Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
Born 23rd December, 1797, died at Paris 29th June, 1853.
Professor of Botany at the Jardin des Plantes 1826, professor at the Sorbonne, 1845. Described some of the plants brought home by Baudin's Expedition together with some from other Australasian expeditions, in the following:-
(1) " Considerations sur la famille des Euphorbiacees." (Memoires du Museum d' hist. nat., x, 1823) pp. 39.
(2) “ Memoires sur les Rutacees " etc. (Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Par., xii), Paris, 1825, 4to pp. 160, 16 tab.
(3) “ Monographie du genre Phebalium." (Mem. de laSoc. d'hist. nat. de Paris, tome ii, 1825) pp. 13, 3 tab.
(4) “ Memoires sur la groupe des Meliacees." (Mem. du Mus. d' hist. nat, xix, 1830) 152, pp. 12 tab. "
Source: Maiden, J.H. (1910) Records of the earlier French botanists as regards Australian plants. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales for 1910. 44:123-155.