Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
Born in 1977 in UK;
1995 to 1998 BSc (hons) (Biology), University College London, London, UK.
1999-09 to 2000-08 | MSc Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, UK.
2000 to 2005 | PhD (Plantensystematiek), Universiteit Utrecht: Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Collected in SE Australia in 2005.
Associate Professor in Botany and curator of the University Gardens Arboretum at the University Museum of Bergen, Norway.
Researcher in plant systematics and evolution specialised particularly in the flowering plants Erica (Ericaceae) and Annonaceae.
Associate editor 2011- and managing editor 2013-2017 for the International Association for Plant Taxonomy's journal TAXON; managing board of PCI Evol. Biol. 2021-
Source: Extracted from:
Portrait Photo:
Data from 170 specimens