Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
Sandy studied botany at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW, (BSc 1987-1989) and was employed as a botanist in East Gippsland,
Victoria, (1990-1993), a QPWS ranger in central Queensland in Mackay, and finally as a botanist and vegetation mapper at the Queensland
Herbarium (from 1997).
He worked on the
Plant Identification
Service in the
Herbarium since
1997, helping the
public with their
plant queries.
Previously he was involved in control measures for the Weeds of National Significance (WONS) Rubber Vine and Parkinsonia while a QPWS ranger in Mackay, among many other duties.
Source: Extracted from:
Portrait Photo: 2021,
Data from 3,578 specimens