In May 1992 volunteers working at the Gardens came under the umbrella of the Commonwealth Employees' Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, which provides for workers' compensation insurance in the event of any mishap in the workplace.
Records will be kept of the times that each volunteer is working in the Gardens to satisfy the requirements of the workers' compensation regulations.
The Friends' guides will continue to be supported and training programs will be continued to maintain the guides' expertise and confidence in dealing with visitors. New training programs will be arranged when necessary to increase the number of guides and enable the service to be extended.
The Herbarium will continue to encourage volunteer workers while providing on-the-job training in various tasks related to the scientific study of the Australian flora. Volunteers will be encouraged to continue their valuable contribution to the therapeutic horticulture program at the Banksia Centre.
The potential for greater involvement of volunteers in the Jervis Bay area will be investigated.