
Visitor access to the Gardens is discussed in detail in Chapter 4. New developments and redevelopments in recent years have aimed to eliminate or minimise steps and keep path slopes to gradients recommended in Australian Standard AS 1428. In order to make movement around the Gardens easier for people with strollers or people in wheelchairs, a `no steps trail' was developed, with rest areas containing seats near steeper parts.

A development plan for the Gardens in Canberra, prepared in 1985, noted the need to rationalise roads and paths for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. In accordance with that plan, the eastern boundary road was constructed to direct much of the delivery traffic away from the centre of the Gardens and the car park was significantly extended to the south. The Development Planning Guide completed in 1992 proposed further changes to improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic flows and safety, particularly near the main entrance.

In a staged project at Jervis Bay, the main loop road is being surfaced and shaped to improve drainage. Paths are being constructed so that new plantings can be viewed by visitors and existing paths are being repaired as necessary.

Management prescriptions


The objective is to carry out a program of road and path construction to improve safety and traffic flow and give effect to the Gardens' policies on access.


The following works will be undertaken during the life of this Plan in order to improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic movements into and around the Gardens in Canberra:

Consideration will be given to Australian Standard 1428 in designing these new works.

Some upgrading of paths and roads may also be required to accommodate a `people mover' within the Gardens if planned feasibility studies show that such a system would be cost effective and appropriate.

At the Jervis Bay site work to improve the main loop road will continue. The development planning exercise to be undertaken at Jervis Bay will indicate whether additional paths and roads are necessary.