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Australian National Botanic Gardens
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A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [] refer to garden bed Sections.
Plants in flower are in bold type.
2 November 2007
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Leptospermum rotundifolium 'Lavender Queen'- click for larger image |
The range of colourful flowers edging Banks Walk is truly magnificent. But why stop there - for those edging the Main Walk continue all the way. So, starting at the end of the café building where a tea-tree, Leptospermum ‘Lavender Queen’ [Section 131] displays its pale pink open petalled flowers. Melaleuca fulgens ‘Hot Pink’ [Section 10] is dazzling with its bright pink flower clusters over the group of upright plants while Melaleuca spathulata [Section 9] has purplish-pink globular flowers over its shrub. Pass by Bulbine glauca [Sections 303, 8] a herb with succulent leaves surrounding the yellow flowers on upright stems. Above, a group of grass trees, Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. glauca [Section 8] with dense flowing green grass ‘skirt’ where one has a long spike clad with tiny white flowers. The bed of daisies is yellow with the prostrate suckering herb, Chrysocephalum apiculatum [Section 303] while, in front, a group of waratahs include Telopea ‘Canberry Gem’ with one parent, Telopea mongaensis [Section 30] both with the renowned red flowers.
Walk by many grevilleas which grow along this path. Only a few will be mentioned. Grevillea treueriana [Section 30] is yet small but colourful with red toothbrush flowers amid its spiky foliage. Pultenaea ‘Pyalong Gold’ [Section 30] is close by with its bright yellow pea-shaped flowers over the small shrub. Banksia blechnifolia [Section 30] is interesting. It is a dwarf spreading plant with dusky red flower spikes and deeply lobed green leaves which appear to emerge from the soil below which are the branches. Crossing the road the brilliant display of red is that of Grevillea ‘Bonfire’ [Section 24], also seen beside the seat. The waxy flowers are a lovely orange-red with long red styles. Grevillea tripartita subsp. macrostylis [Section 26], seen behind the double seat, has sharp woolly-like leaves and splendid red and yellow flowers also with long red styles.
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Grevillea tripartita subsp. macrostylis- click for larger image |
Following the winding path through the Flora of the Sydney Region, Eriostemon australasius [Section 191h] is a small shrub with pale pink star-like flowers. Around the corner Scaevola aemula [Section 191h] is a prostrate plant bearing purple, white centred fan shaped flowers. Opposite Senna aciphylla [Section 191s] is a small shrub clad with open yellow flowers while nearby, the much taller shrub is Ozothamnus diosmifolius [Section 191s] with dense terminal heads of pink flowers. Later, Tetratheca bauerifolia [Section 191g] is a low shrub falling onto the path, so pink with down-turned flowers. At a corner, Telopea mongaensis x Telopea speciosissima [Section 191d] shows off its lovely red flowers while, later, Boronia deanei [Section 191e] with small pink flowers, falls towards the path. Flannel Flower, Actinotus helianthi ‘Federation Stars’ [Section 191l] with soft grey foliage now displays it velvety cream many petalled flowers.
Passing the Eucalyptus Lawn see Hakea archaeoides [Section 20] with lovely deep maroon and yellow flower heads on an upright shrub, to the Rock Garden with ever so much to see. Then through the coolness of the Rainforest Gully where Orange Blossom orchids, Sarcochilus falcatus [Section 148] with lovely white flowers cling to the tree trunks. Then down the ramp, also with flowers which include Boronia ‘Carousel’ [Section 210] bright with cherry pink bell shaped flowers.
Such glorious flowers … Barbara Daly.