sA weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections.
Plants in flower are in bold type.
18-31 December 2009
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Blandfordia grandiflora - click for larger image |
NSW Christmas Bush, Ceratopetalum gummiferum [Section 142] is clad with small white flowers, seen just below the carpark. They will be replaced with the renowned red calyces in January. Christmas Bells, Blandfordia grandiflora with their large spectacular bell shaped flowers coloured red and yellow on long upright stems are seen in pots outside the Visitors Information Centre while opposite Wedding Lily, Dietes robinsoniana [Section 210] display their white flowers on upright stems surrounded by large strappy leaves.
But this walk follows the Main Path starting at the far end of the café building.
Regelia inops [Section 11] is an open shrub with tiny leaves hugging the branches and with small balls of pink flowers to decorate. Melaleuca linariifolia var. linariifolia [Section 11] with those large papery branches over the path are now clad with soft fluffy flowers.
Pass the group of grass trees, Xanthorrhoea glauca [Section 8] with thick brown and green skirts surrounding the long upright stem now clad with browning flowers. At the far end are kangaroo paws, Anigozanthos flavidus [Section 8] with ‘paw’ flowers coloured matt green or dark red. Feather flower, Verticordia plumosa [Section 30] is an upright many branched small shrub clad with feathery plum coloured flowers while almost opposite Verticordia galeata [Section 30] is a smaller shrub profuse with yellow flowers. Banksia blechnifolia [Section 25] is a dense prostrate plant with long upright indented leaves and now tan coloured cylindrical flower spikes, all rising from below ground branches.
Grevillea ‘Adorning’ [Section 27, 24] is a small shrub with pine-like foliage and bright red spider-like flowers. Crossing the road, other grevilleas include Grevillea ‘Bonfire’ [Section 24] beside the seat, a tall shrub with deep red flowers scattered among the fine divided foliage. Persoonia microphylla [Section 26] is a semi-prostrate plant with tiny tube flowers scattered amongst the dense fine leaves. Crossing the next road, Bonewood, Medicosma cunninghamii [Section 112] is a multistemmed shrub of medium size with clusters of white buds opening to white flowers among its shiny leaves.
Flowers seen from the curved path in the Sydney Region Gully include Crowea exalata [Section 191h] a small shrub with bright pink star shaped flowers. Leptospermum thompsonii [Section 191s] is of medium size, dense with white petalled flowers. In front Scaevola hookeri [Section 191s] is a dense groundcover profuse with small white fan-shaped flowers. Over the curved wall Hibbertia scandens [Section 191s] with large yellow flowers, climbs over other shrubs. Epacris longiflora [Section 191p] is a small upright plant with cream tube flowers in rows, falling from the branches. Prostanthera porcata [Section 191j] has pink tubular flowers from its open branches while at the far end of this path a group of those spectacular Christmas Bells, Blandfordia grandiflora [Section 191u]. Opposite are Flannel Flowers, Actinotus helianthi [Section 191l] with grey-green velvety foliage and white daisy-like flannel flowers.
Down, through the Eucalyptus Lawn to the Rock Garden where the Bluebell Creeper, Sollya heterophylla [Section 15r] is laden with its bluebells, and Goodenia macmillanii [Section 15r] is a small plant with soft pink flowers. The view of the pools with the tall trees, Grevillea robusta [Section 16,78] all gold with their long toothbrush-like flowers as a backdrop is pleasant.
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Ceratopetalum gummiferum - click for larger image |
To the Rainforest entry where a Coachwood, Ceratopetalum apetalum [Section 145] stands tall with a canopy of white flowers. The Dorrego waratah, Alloxylon pinnatum [Section 147] is a small tree with red flower heads seen among the dense foliage, where a path goes downstairs. At the exit a path to the right is lined with the Australian rhodendrons, Rhododendron lochiae x macgregoriae [Section 210] .
Seasons cheer to all … Barbara Daly.
A cool walk in the Rainforest … Barbara Daly.