Australian National Botanic Gardens

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In Flower This Week

A weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer
Numbers in brackets [ ] refer to garden bed 'Sections'.

26 June 1998

On leaving the Visitor Centre pause at the tubs, in particular the one on the right hand side, Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia is covered with mauve-pink flowers and Hypocalymma longifolium is a slightly different pink, both plants being complimented by the grey foliage of Leucochrysum `The Governor'. Following along Banks Walk, Leucophyta brownii [Section 210] is another of those grey, contrasting foliage plants with rather insignificant flower heads. Melichrus adpressus [Section 174] is an interesting-looking small plant. A little further along is Epacris microphylla [Section 174] approximately one metre high with white starry flowers. Further along again, Templetonia retusa [Section 174] has upright branches with large, rust-red pea flowers.

Walk along the edge of the Rainforest Gully and turn into the path behind the Cafe, to see Banksia spinulosa var. collina [Section 182] where the spinebills feed in amongst upright, golden flower spikes, the grey of a nearby wattle highlighting the different foliage colours. Correa pulchella `Pink Mist` [Section 119] is a delightful and showy shrub while the Casuarina cunninghamii [Section 117] is a good example of this large tree. Near the Rock Garden, Swainsona galegifolia [Section 110] has showy purple pea flowers with reddish-green seed pods.

In the Rock Garden, Baeckea virgata `Howies Sweet Midget` [Section 15C] has very fine rusty red foliage while Crowea `Pink Blush' [Section 15C] has deep pink buds with very pale pink flowers. Eucalyptus landsdowneana subsp. landsdowneana [Section 15P] has quite a few bright red flowers but, looking at the buds which have yet to open, it will be shortly covered in flowers. Acacia terminalis [Section 3], a tall tree with creamy yellow flowers some of them just turning to a golden brown, has at its feet the prostrate Acacia cardiophylla `Golden Lace' [Section 3], which is only just in bud.

Epacris calvertiana var. calvertiana [Section 17], is a fairly open bush with a profusion of little creamy-white tubular flowers. Lomandra spicata [Section 10] is a vigorous, tussock plant with long strappy leaves and shiny seed capsules in an orange-yellow colour. Gahnia clarkei [Section 80] is a large sedge plant with long thin leaves and golden brown flower heads.

Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa [Section 109], just at the edge of the lawn, is a medium to large shrub with flower spikes similar to Banksia spinulosa var. collina [Section 109] but with maroon to black styles. The birds were happily dashing in and out of this bush too.


Naomi Bell

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