art and the bryophyte is an exhibition by artist, Julie Ryder, collaborating with bryologist, Dr Christine Cargill, of the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research.
Bryology is the study of those plants known collectively as bryophytes, but more commonly as mosses, liverworts and hornworts.
This collaboration took place at the Australian National Botanic Gardens, where Christine is Curator of the Cryptogam Herbarium. Cryptogams are those organisms which do not produce flowers or seeds. They include ferns, bryophytes, algae, fungi, lichens and slime moulds.
Julie was the Garden's inaugural Artist in Residence from October 2004 until March 2005. This residency was part of the Synapse Art and Science Residency Program, managed by ANAT for the Australia Council New Media Arts Board. The Program aims to build new creative partnerships between artists and scientists, science institutions and art organisations. The Garden's involvement with the ANAT Synapse Art and Science Program was initiated through the ANBG Public Art Program.
Christine's insight as both Curator of Cryptogams and research bryologist has provided Julie with the raw materials and theoretical background to inform her artwork. As part of the collaborative process, Julie has delved into the history of herbaria, plant collecting and bryology, and incorporated digital and scientific technology to produce this exhibition.
About the artist
About the scientist
10 August - 13 November 2005
9.00am to 4.30pm, seven days a week
Information Centre, Australian National Botanic Gardens
A catalogue of the exhibition is now available.

Julie Ryder's 'cabinet of curiosities' with framed images
silk hangings in the Information Centre at the Botanic Gardens.