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Teatrees - genus Leptospermum - Information about Australia's Flora
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Home > Gardens | CANBR > Botanical Information > Growing Native Plants > Leptospermum

Leptospermum wooroonooran      family MYRTACEAE


Erect, compact shrub or small tree. Final height is uncertain in cultivation. Leaves are oblanceolate, to 2 cm, and young tips are bronze-red. Bears white flowers in spring or early summer.

Distribution: Qld.

Propagation From seed or cuttings.

Cultivation Very adaptable in most soils and aspects. Foliage is very attractive with a compact habit. Plants in cultivation are relatively slow growing and have reached 2 m in five years. This species has only been in cultivation for a few years but is proving a hardy and most attractive shrub. At the summit of Mt Bellenden Ker, where this species is endemic, it forms trees to 13 m with light brown trunks 60 cm in diameter. These are often blown over by cyclones, forming obstacles for the ardent bushwalker. It is uncertain whether the species will reach similar proportions in cultivation.

Conservation Status: 3RC-

text from 'AUSTRALIAN NATIVE PLANTS, 4th ed'
by Wrigley & Fagg, Reed Books, 1996