Patrick M. McCarthy
10 December 2015
Updated 4 July 2017
Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS), GPO Box 3090, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Thanks to Chris Dunk, Jack Elix, Gintaras Kantvilas, Tom May, Val Stajsic and an anonymous reviewer.
Cite as: P.M.McCarthy (2015). Checklist of Australian Lichenicolous Fungi. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. Version 10 December 2015.
* = based on an Australian type specimen
Total: 104 spp. [25 endemic]
AABAARNIA Diederich; Ostropales, incert. sed.
Aabaarnia siphulicola Diederich, Bull. Soc. Nat. Luxembourgeois 115: 144 (2014)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Siphula decumbens (Diederich, 2014)
ABROTHALLUS de Not.; incert. sed.
Abrothallus parmeliarum (Sommerf.) Arnold, Flora 57: 102 (1874)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
ARTHONIA Ach.; Arthoniaceae
Arthonia anjutii S.Y.Kondr. & Alstrup, in Kondratyuk, Botany and Mycology for the Next Millennium: Collection of Scientific Articles Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Academician K.M.Sytnik 311 (1996) *
Hosts: Teloschistes velifer f. nodulosus (Kondratyuk, 1996b)
Arthonia caliciae Kantvilas & Wedin, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard.. 29: 2 (2015) *
Hosts: Calicium tricolor (Kantvilas & Wedin, 2015)
Arthonia insularis Kantvilas & Wedin, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard.. 29: 2 (2015) *
Hosts: Caloplaca eos (Kantvilas & Wedin, 2015)
Arthonia intexta Almq., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk-Akad. Handl. 17(6): 60 (1880)
SA, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Lecidella sp. (Coppins & Aptroot, 2009); Lecidella sublapicida (Kantvilas & Wedin, 2015)
Arthonia pseudocyphellariae Wedin, Lichenologist 25: 301 (1993)
NSW, TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pseudocyphellaria glabra (Wedin, 1993; Wedin & Hafellner, 1998)
Arthonia subconveniens Nyl., Flora 50: 440 (1867)
= Arthonia ricasoliae Müll.Arg., Flora 70: 424 (1887) [*]
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Lobaria hartmannii (Wedin & Hafellner, 1998)
Arthonia sytnikii S.Y.Kondr., Botany and Mycology for the Next Millennium: Collection of Scientific Articles Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Academician K.M.Sytnik 309 (1996) *
WA, SA, TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Xanthoria ligulata (Kondratyuk 1996b, 2002)
BIATOROPSIS Räsänen; Platygloeales
Biatoropsis usnearum Räsänen, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn., "Vanamo" 5(9): 8 (1934)
WA, QLD, NSW, VIC, TAS, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Usnea spp. (Diederich & Christiansen, 1994; Diederich, 1996)
BUELLIELLA Fink; Dothideales, incert. sed.
Buelliella inops (Triebel & Rambold) Hafellner, in Hafellner et al., Mycotaxon 84: 298 (2002) *
= Karschia inops Triebel & Rambold, in Santesson, Thunbergia 21: 7 (1994)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Caloplaca cinnabarina (Santesson, 1994)
CECIDIOMYCES M.P.Zhurbenko & U.Braun; Hyphomycetes
Cecidiomyces santessonii M.P.Zhurbenko & U.Braun, Lichenologist 44: 802 (2012) *
Host: Stereocaulon spp. (Zhurbenko & Braun, 2012)
CERCIDOSPORA Körb.; incert. sed.
Cercidospora trypetheliza (Nyl.) Hafellner & Obermayer, Cryptogamie, Bryol. Lichénol. 16: 180 (1995)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Arthrorhaphis sp. (Hafellner & Obermayer, 1995)
CHAENOTHECOPSIS Vain.; Mycocaliciaceae
Chaenothecopsis kalbii Tibell & K.Ryman, Nova Hedwigia 60: (1995)
QLD, NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Lecanora caesiorubella (Tibell & Ryman, 1995)
CHOREOSPORA O.Constant. & R.Sant.; Hyphomycetes, incert. sed.
Choreospora tibellii O.Constant. & R.Sant., Lichenologist 19: 177 (1987) *
Host: ?Echinoplaca sp. (Constantinescu & Santesson, 1987)
CORNUTISPORA Piroz.; Coelomycetes, incert. sed.
Cornutispora ciliata Kalb, in Gierl & Kalb, Herzogia 9: 632 (1993) *
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: "Dibaeis cretacea" (Gierl & Kalb, 1993; Kalb et al., 1995)
Cornutispora lichenicola D.Hawksw. & B.Sutton, in Hawksworth, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 67: 51 (1976)
QLD, NSW, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Haematomma africanum, H. persoonii, H. stevensiae (Kalb et al., 1995)
CORTICIFRAGA D.Hawksw. & R.Sant.; incert. sed.
Corticifraga fuckelii (Rehm) D.Hawksw. & R.Sant., Biblioth. Lichenol. 38: 125 (1990)
VIC, Extra-Aust.
DACTYLOSPORA Körb.; Dactylosporaceae
Dactylospora australis Triebel & Hertel, in Triebel, Biblioth. Lichenol. 35: 205 (1989)
NSW, TAS, MI, Extra-Aust.
Dactylospora lobariella (Nyl.) Hafellner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 62: 118 (1979)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pseudocyphellaria rubella
ENDOCOCCUS Nyl.; incert. sed.
Endococcus alpestris D.Hawksw., Bot. Not. 132: 287 (1979)
VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: Usnea sp. (Diederich & Christiansen, 1994)
Endococcus propinquus (Körb.) D.Hawksw., Bot. Not. 132: 287 (1979)
VIC, Extra-Aust.
Endococcus rugulosus Nyl., Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 3: 193 (1855)
= Microthelia macquariensis C.W.Dodge, B.A.N.Z. Antarct. Res. Exped. 1929–31 Repts, ser. B, 7: 48 (1948) [*]
MI, Extra-Aust.
ENDOHYALINA Marbach emend. Giralt, P.P.G.Boom & Elix; Physciaceae
Endohyalina insularis (Arnold) Giralt, P.P.G.Boom & Elix, Mycol. Progr. 9: 44 (2010)
= Rinodina insularis (Arnold) Hafellner, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 62: 87 (1979)
NSW, ACT, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Lecanora rupicola and L. swartzii (Elix, 2011b); also developing into an independent lichen
FELTGENIOMYCES Diederich; incert. sed.
Feltgeniomyces physciae Etayo & Breuss, Oesterr. Zeit. Pilzk. 7: 208 (1998) *
Host: Physcia sp. (Etayo & Breuss, 1998)
GLOBOSPHAERIA D.Hawksw.; Sordariales, incert. sed.
Globosphaeria jamesii D.Hawksw., Lichenologist 22: 303 (1990) *
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Normandina pulchella (Hawksworth, 1990)
HEMIGRAPHA (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant. ex D.Hawksw.; Parmulariaceae
Hemigrapha asteriscus (Müll.Arg.) D.Hawksw., Kew Bull. 30: 191 (1975) *
= Melanographa asteriscus Müll.Arg., Flora 65: 519 (1882)
NSW, TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Peltigera spp. (Diederich & Wedin, 2000)
Hemigrapha nephromatis Wedin & Diederich, in Diederich & Wedin, Nordic J. Bot. 20: 210 (2000)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Nephroma australe (Diederich & Wedin, 2000)
Hemigrapha tenellula (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant. ex Matzer, Mycol. Pap. 171: 110 (1996)
QLD, NSW, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Porina epiphylla, P. impressa, P. similis, P. virescens (Matzer, 1996; Lücking et al., 2001)
ILLOSPORIUM Mart.; anamorphic Ascomycetes
Illosporium carneum Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3: 259 (1822)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Peltigera sp. (Kantvilas et al., 2008)
KARSCHIA Ach. ex Flot.; Dothideomycetes, incert. sed.
Karschia talcophila (Ach. ex Flot.) Körb., Parerga Lichenol. 459 (1865)
= Buellia talcophila (Ach. ex Flot.) Körb., Syst. Lich. Germ. 230 (1855)
VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: unknown (Elix, 2011a)
KERATOSPHAERA H.B.P.Upadhyay; Pseudoperisporiaceae
Keratosphaera porinae Matzer, Mycol. Pap. 171: 126 (1996)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Porina cf. similis (Matzer, 1996)
LAMBIELLA Hertel; Trapeliaceae
Lambiella insularis (Nyl.) T.Sprib., Symb. Bot. Upsal. 37(1): 25 (2015)
= Rimularia insularis (Nyl.) Rambold & Hertel, in Hertel, Lecideaceae Exsicc. 8: [159] (1985)
SA, NSW, ACT, VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: Lecanora rupicola aggr. (Rambold, 1989); possibly capable of developing into an independent lichen
LAUDERLINDSAYA J.C.David & D.Hawksw.; Verrucariaceae
Lauderlindsaya borreri (Tul.) J.C.David & D.Hawksw., Sydowia 41: 116 (1989)
WA, Extra-Aust.
LEPTORHAPHIS Körb.; Naetrocymbaceae
Leptorhaphis haematommatum Hafellner & Kalb, in Kalb et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 59: 204 (1995)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Haematomma africanum (Kalb et al., 1995)
LICHENOCONIUM Petr. & Syd.; Coelomycetes, incert. sed.
Lichenoconium echinosporum D.Hawksw., Persoonia 9: 173 (1977) *
Host: Cladia muelleri (Hawksworth, 1977, as Heterodea muelleri)
Lichenoconium laevisporum Kalb & Hafellner, in Kalb et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 59: 207 (1995)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Haematomma africanum, H. stevensiae (Kalb et al., 1995)
LICHENODIPLIS Dyko & D.Hawksw.; incert. sed.
Lichenodiplis poeltii S.Y.Kondr. & D.Hawksw., in Kondratyuk, Botany and Mycology for the Next Millennium: Collection of Scientific Articles Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Academician K.M.Sytnik 313 (1996) *
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Xanthoria parietina (Kondratyuk, 1996b, 2002)
LICHENOPELTELLA Höhn.; Mycrothyriaceae
Lichenopeltella epiphylla R.Sant., Thunbergia 6: 5 (1988) *
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Mazosia phyllosema, Porina impressa (Santesson, 1988; Matzer, 1996)
Lichenopeltella pseudocyphellariae Diederich, in Aptroot et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 64: 97 (1997)*
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pseudocyphellaria neglecta (Aptroot et al., 1997)
LICHENOSTIGMA Hafellner; Arthoniaceae
Lichenostigma cosmopolites Hafellner & Calat., Mycotaxon 72: 108 (1999)
WA, SA, NSW, ACT, VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: Xanthoparmelia spp. (Hafellner & Calatayud, 1999)
Lichenostigma elongatum Nav.-Ros. & Hafellner, Mycotaxon 57: 213 (1996)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Aspicilia sp. (Navarro-Rosinés & Hafellner, 1996)
Lichenostigma hyalospora Kalb & Hafellner, in Kalb et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 59: 208 (1995) *
Host: Haematomma eremaeum (Kalb et al., 1995)
Lichenostigma rugosum G.Thor, Lichenologist 17: 269 (1985)
NSW, VIC, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Diploschistes actinostomus, D. scruposus (Thor, 1995)
LLIMONIELLA Hafellner & Nav.-Ros.; Helotiales, incert. sed.
Llimoniella pyrenulae Diederich & Etayo, Lichenologist 32: 454 (2000)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pyrenula sp. (Diederich & Etayo, 2000)
Llimoniella ramalinae (Müll.Arg.) Etayo & Diederich, in Diederich & Etayo, Lichenologist 32: 454 (2000) *
= Patellaria ramalinae Müll.Arg., Flora 66: 79 (1893)
= Scutula ramalinae (Müll.Arg.) Vouaux, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 29: 430 (1913)
= Skyttea ramalinae (Müll.Arg.) Triebel, Biblioth. Lichenol. 48: 169 (1992)
WA, VIC, TAS, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Ramalina celastri (Diederich & Etayo, 2000); R. unilateralis (Diederich et al., 2010)
MELASPILEA Nyl.; Melaspileaceae
Melaspilea diplasiospora (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genève, 29: 22 (1887)
AUST, Extra-Aust.
Host: unknown (Sanderson et al., 2009)
MINUTOEXCIPULA Atienza & D.Hawksw.; Deuteromycetes
Minutoexcipula tuckerae Atienza & D.Hawksw., Mycol. Res. 98: 587 (1994)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pertusaria thiospoda (Hafellner, 1994, as P. schizostomella)
MONEROLECHIA Trevis.; Physciaceae
Monerolechia badia (Fr.) Kalb, Biblioth. Lichenol. 88: 312 (2004)
= Buellia badia (Fr.) A.Massal., Mem. Lichenogr.: 124 (1853)
= Lecidea badia Fr., Syst. Orb. Veg. 1: 287 (1825)
= Buellia turgescens (Nyl.) Tuck., Gen. Lich.: 185 (1872)
= Amandinea turgescens (Nyl.) Marbach, Biblioth. Lichenol. 74: 109 (2000)
WA, QLD, NSW, LHI, ACT, TAS, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Species of Aspicilia, Caloplaca, Diploschistes, Physcia and Xanthoparmelia (Elix, 2011c); also developing into an independent lichen
MUELLERELLA Hepp; Verrucariaceae
Muellerella erratica (A. Massal.) Hafellner & Volk.John, Herzogia 19: 155 (2006)
= Muellerella pygmaea var. athallina (Müll.Arg.) Triebel, Biblioth. Lichenol. 35: 166 (1989)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Lecidea ochroleuca (Triebel, 1989)
NESOLECHIA A.Massal.; Lecideaceae
Nesolechia coccocarpiae Müll.Arg., Flora 70: 397 (1887) *
Host: Coccocarpia sp. (Müller, 1887).
OPEGRAPHA Ach.; Roccellaceae
Opegrapha ectolechiacearum Matzer & R.Sant., Mycol. Pap. 171: 66 (1996)
QLD, NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Sporopodium flavescens (Matzer, 1996)
Opegrapha epiporina Matzer, Mycol. Pap. 171: 69 (1996)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Porina sp. (Matzer, 1996)
Opegrapha grossulina Müll.Arg., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 23: 396 (1891) *
Hosts: Unknown
Opegrapha melanospila Mull.Arg., Flora 60: 474 (1877)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Parmotrema sp. (Diederich, 2003)
Opegrapha phylloporinae Müll.Arg, Flora 73: 193 (1890)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: ?Porina spp. (Allen et al., 2001)
Opegrapha strigulae R.Sant. ex Matzer & R.Sant., Mycol. Pap. 171: 85 (1996)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Strigula sp. (Matzer, 1996)
PERIGRAPHA Hafellner; Arthoniales, incert. sed.
Perigrapha nitida Ertz, Diederich, Christnach & Wedin, in Ertz et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 91: 136 (2005)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pseudocyphellaria glabra (Ertz et al., 2005)
PHACOPSIS Tul.; Parmeliaceae
Phacopsis oxyspora Triebel & Rambold, Nova Hedwigia 47: 300 (1988) var. oxyspora
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Punctelia subrudecta (Santesson, 1998)
Phacopsis oxyspora var. defecta Triebel & Rambold, in Triebel et al., Bryologist 98: 79 (1995)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Parmelia tenuirima (Triebel et al., 1995)
Phacopsis oxyspora var. fusca Triebel & Rambold, in Triebel et al., Bryologist 98: 80 (1995)
WA, NSW, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Xanthoparmelia spp. (Triebel et al., 1995)
Phacopsis rufa (Müll.Arg.) Triebel & Rambold, Biblioth. Lichenol. 48: 169 (1992) *
= Nesolechia rufa Müll.Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 1: 47 (1893)
SA, VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: Punctelia subrudecta (Triebel et al., 1995)
PHAEOPYXIS Rambold & Triebel; Helotiales, incert. sed.
Phaeopyxis australis Rambold & Triebel, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 46: 381 (1990) *
Host: Paraporpidia leptocarpa (Rambold & Triebel, 1990)
Phaeopyxis punctum (A.Massal.) Rambold, Triebel & Coppins, in Rambold & Triebel, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 46: 384 (1990)
VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: Cladonia sp. (Rambold & Triebel, 1990)
PHOMA Sacc.; Pleosporales, incertae sedis
Phoma cytospora (Vouaux) D.Hawksw., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 67: 56 (1976)
AUST, Extra-Aust.
Host: Parmeliaceae
PLECTOCARPON Fée; Roccellaceae
Plectocarpon bunodophori Wedin, Ertz & Diederich, in Ertz et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 91: 25 (2005)
NSW, VIC, TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Bunodophoron patagonicum (Ertz et al., 2005)
Plectocarpon gallowayi (S.Y.Kondr.) Ertz & Diederich, in Ertz et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 91: 47 (2005)
= Melaspilea gallowayi S.Y.Kondr., in Kondratyuk & Galloway, Biblioth. Lichenol. 57: 335 (1995), as gallowayii *
VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis (Kondratyuk & Galloway, 1995; Ertz et al., 2005)
Plectocarpon pseudosticta (Fée) Fée, Essai Crypt. écorc. Suppl.: 147 (1837)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pseudocyphellaria glabra (Ertz et al., 2005)
POLYCOCCUM Sauter ex Körb.; Dacampiaceae
Polycoccum crespoae Váczi & D.Hawksw., Lichenologist 33: 513 (2001) *
VIC, Extra-Aust.
Host: Xanthoparmelia semiviridis (Váczi & Hawksworth, 2001)
Polycoccum jamesii D.Hawksw., Lichenologist 17: 298 (1985) *
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Degeliella versicolor (Hawksworth, 1985)
Polycoccum kaernefeltii S.Y.Kondr., Ukrayins'kyi Bot. Zhurn. 65: 565 (2008) *
Host: Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (Kondratyuk, 2008)
Polycoccum rugulosarium (Linds.) D.Hawksw., in Pegler et al., Kew Bull. 35: 315 (1980)
= Didymosphaeria macquariensis C.W.Dodge, B.A.N.Z. Antarct. Res. Exped. 1929–31 Repts, ser. B, 7: 263 (1948) *
MI, Extra-Aust.
Host: Caloplaca inclinans (Dodge, 1948; Hawksworth & Iturriaga, 2006)
PRONECTRIA Clem.; Hypocreaceae
Pronectria leptaleae (J.Steiner) Lowen, Mycotaxon 39: 462 (1990)
WA, Extra-Aust.
Host: Physcia nubila (Santesson, 2008)
PYRENIDIUM Clem.; Bionectriaceae
Pyrenidium actinellum Nyl., Flora 48: 210 (1865)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Peltigera pulverulenta (Alstrup, 2004)
RHYNCHOMELIOLA Speg.; Rhynchostomataceae
Rhynchomeliola lichenicola Henssen & Kantvilas, Lichenologist 17: 96 (1985) *
Host: Wawea fruticulosa (Henssen & Kantvilas, 1985)
ROSELLINIELLA Vain.; Sordariales, incert. sed.
Roselliniella cladoniae (Anzi) Matzer & Hafellner, Biblioth. Lichenol. 37: 59 (1990)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Cladonia floerkeana (Matzer & Hafellner, 1990)
Roselliniella epiphylla Matzer & Hafellner, Biblioth. Lichenol. 37: 71 (1990)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Sporopodium sp. (Matzer & Hafellner, 1990)
Roselliniella heterodeae Matzer & Hafellner, Biblioth. Lichenol. 37: 77 (1990) *
Host: Cladia muelleri (Matzer & Hafellner, 1990, as Heterodea muelleri)
ROSELLINULA R.Sant; incert. sed.
Rosellinula kalbii (Hafellner) R.W.Rogers & Hafellner, Lichenologist 20: 168 (1988)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Haematomma africanum, H. collatum, H. persoonii, H. stevensiae (Kalb et al., 1995)
Rosellinula lopadii (Vouaux) D.J.Galloway, New Zealand J. Bot. 42: 117 (2004)
AUST, Extra-Aust.
Host: Brigantiaea sp.
SAGEDIOPSIS (Sacc. & D.Sacc.) Vain.; Adelococcaceae
Sagediopsis dissimilis Triebel, Sendtnera 1: 276 (1993) *
Host: Paraporpidia leptocarpa (Triebel, 1993)
SKYTTEA Sherwood, D.Hawksw. & Coppins; Helotiales, incert. sed.
Skyttea mayrhoferi Diederich & Etayo, Lichenologist 32: 440 (2000)
SA, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pertusaria melanospora (Diederich & Etayo, 2000)
SPHAERELLOTHECIUM Zopf; Mycosphaerellaceae
Sphaerellothecium gallowayi Diederich, Biblioth. Lichenol. 95: 165 (2007)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Heterodermia cf. japonica (Diederich, 2007)
SPIROGRAPHA Zahlbr.; Helotiales, incert. sed.
Spirographa fusisporella (Nyl.) Zahlbr., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1, 1(1): 96 (1903)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Haematomma africanum (Kalb et al., 1995)
STIGMIDIUM Trevis.; Mycosphaerellaceae
Stigmidium calopadiae Matzer, Mycol. Pap. 171: 157 (1996)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: sterile thallus (Matzer, 1996)
Stigmidium epixanthum Hafellner, in Hafellner et al., Mycotaxon 84: 217 (2002)
NT, QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Acarospora sp. (Hafellner et al., 2002)
Stigmidium porinae Matzer, Mycol. Pap. 171: 161 (1996)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Microtheliopsis uleana (Lücking et al., 2001)
Stigmidium schaereri (A.Massal.) Trevis., Consp. Verruc.: 17 (1860)
NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Caloplaca (Sipman & Streimann, 1998)
Stigmidium schizosporum Matzer, Mycol. Pap. 171: 163 (1996) *
Host: Porina similis (Matzer, 1996)
STROMATOPOGON Zahlbr.; incert. sed.
Stromatopogon baldwinii Zahlbr., Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus., Wien 12: 99 (1897), as baldwini
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Usnea cf. oncodes, U. subalpina, U. xanthopoga (Diederich, 1992)
STYGIOMYCES Coppins & S.Y.Kondr.; Coelomycetes
Stygiomyces galliformis Coppins & S.Y.Kondr., Edinburgh J. Bot. 52: 229 (1995) *
Host: Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Coppins & Kondratyuk, 1995)
TEPHROMELA M.Choisy; Mycoblastaceae
Tephromela campestricola (Nyl.) Rambold & Triebel, Biblioth. Lichenol. 48: 169 (1992)
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Hosts: Unknown
TREMELLA L.; Basidiomycota, Tremellaceae
Tremella stevensiana Diederich, in Diederich & Christiansen, Lichenologist 26: 57 (1994) *
Hosts: Usnea cf. confusa, U. undulata (Diederich & Christiansen, 1994; Diederich, 1996)
VERRUCARIA Schrad.; Verrucariaceae
Verrucaria buelliicola P.M.McCarthy, Australas. Lichenol. 52: 3 (2003) *
Host: Buellia albula (McCarthy, 2003); also developing into an independent lichen
Verrucaria compacta (A.Massal.) Jatta, Syll. Lich. Ital.: 501 (1900)
= Placidium compactum A.Massal., Misc. Lichenol.: 62 (1856)
= Dermatocarpon compactum (A.Massal.) Lettau, Hedwigia 52: 97 (1912)
= Catapyrenium compactum (A.Massal.) R.Sant., Lichens of Sweden & Norway: 82 (1984)
SA, NSW, Extra-Aust.
Host: Buellia albula (McCarthy, 2003); usually an independent lichen
VOUAUXIOMYCES Dyko & D.Hawksw.; Dothideales, incert. sed.
Vouauxiomyces brattii S.Y.Kondr., Muelleria 9: 96 (1996) *
Host: Pseudocyphellaria faveolata (Kondratyuk, 1996a)
WEDDELLOMYCES D.Hawksw.; Dacampiaceae
Weddellomyces gasparriniae (C.W.Dodge) D.Hawksw. & Iturr., Antarctic Sci. 18: 297 (2006) *
= Phaeospora gasparriniae C.W.Dodge, B.A.N.Z. Antarct. Res. Exped. 1929–31 Repts, ser. B, 7: 262 (1948)
Host: Gasparrinia macquariensis (Dodge, 1948, a name of uncertain application; Hawksworth & Iturriaga, 2006)
WENTIOMYCES Koord.; Pseudoperisporiaceae
Wentiomyces tatjanae S.Y.Kondr., Muelleria 9: 96 (1996) *
TAS, Extra-Aust.
Host: Pseudocyphellaria coronata (Kondratyuk, 1996a)
XANTHORIICOLA D.Hawksw.; incert. sed.
Xanthoriicola physciae (Kalchbr.) D.Hawksw., in Hawksworth & Punithalingam, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 61: 67 (1973)
AUST, Extra-Aust.
Host: Physcia sp. (Galloway, 2007)
XENONECTRIELLA Weese; Nectriaceae
Xenonectriella streimannii (S.Y.Kondr., Coppins & D.J.Galloway) Rossman, in Rossman et al., Stud. Mycol. 42: 170 (1999) *
= Pronectria streimannii S.Y.Kondr., Coppins & D.J.Galloway, Muelleria 9: 93 (1996)
QLD, Extra-Aust.
Host: Sticta cyphellulata (Kondratyuk, 1996a)
ZWACKHIOMYCES Grube & Hafellner; Xanthopyreniaceae
Zwackhiomyces cladoniae (C.W.Dodge) Diederich, in Aptroot et al., Biblioth. Lichenol. 64: 210 (1997) *
= Didymella cladoniae C.W.Dodge, B.A.N.Z. Antarct. Res. Exped. 1929–31 Repts, ser. B, 7: 262 (1948)
MI, Extra-Aust.
Host: Cladonia cervicornis subsp. mawsonii (Dodge, 1948; Aptroot et al., 1997; Hawksworth & Iturriaga, 2006)
Zwackhiomyces kantvilasii S.Y.Kondr., Muelleria 9: 98 (1996) *
Host: Parmotrema perlatum (Kondratyuk, 1996a)
Zwackhiomyces lecanorae (Stein) Nik.Hoffm. & Hafellner, Biblioth. Lichenol. 77: 124 (2000)
AUST, Extra-Aust.
Host: Lecanora sp. (Hoffmann & Hafellner, 2000)
Zwackhiomyces sulcatus Pérez-Ortega & Etayo, in Pérez-Ortega et al., Nova Hedwigia 93: 396 (2011) *
Host: Austroparmelina macrospora (Pérez-Ortega et al., 2011)
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