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ASBS Newsletter

Number 123, June 2005


From the President
........... 1

ASBS Inc. business
2005 Annual General Meeting of the Australian Systematic Botany Society, Inc. ...........2
Attachment 1 - Minutes of the 2004 Annual General Meeting ...........4
Attachment 2 - President's Report ........... 4
Attachment 3 - Treasurers Report ........... 6
Attachment 4 - Newsletter Report ...........13
Results of ASBS financial year ballot ........... 14
(Reminder) ASBS Conference in conjunction with Queensland Herbarium and CHAH ...........14

Hansjörg Eichler Research Fund
First round grants for 2005 ........... 15
Closing date for second round of applications for 2005 ........... 15

Eichler research reports
Phylogenetic status of four species belonging to the brown algal order Sporochnales (Phaeophyceae) ........... 15

The discovery and documentation of the eucalypts of Queensland and New South Wales, 1770 - 1895 ........... 17
The National Weed Detection Network ...........21

New director for the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland ........... 23

Introduction to US of Blackberry rust used for biological control in Australia ........... 23
Relic of Mueller's short-lived attempt to be a farmer ............24
Another use for herbarium specimens ........... 25

Consensus Census Report
June 2005 report ........... 25

ABRS report ........... 28

ABLO report ........... 28

Dorothy Catling ...........29

Dr Winifred Mary Curtis: centenarian with a lasting legacy ...........30
Colonial connections: the Cape and New South Wales ........... 32

Book reviews
Flora of Australia grasses continued ........... 32
New South Wales vegetation: a comprehensive view ........... 34
Three more French works ........... 36

Coming meetings
Acacia 2006: knowing and growing Australian wattles ...........37
Plant conservation - the challenges of change ...........37

FASTS ........... 38

ASBS Publications ........... 39

ASBS Chapter Conveners ........... 40

Contacting Major Australian Herbaria and Systematics Institutions ........... 40

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