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ASBS Newsletter

Number 131-132, June-September 2007


From the President
................ 1

ASBS Inc. business
New members ................ 1
Hansjoerg Eichler Scientific Research Fund applications ................1

Advice to emigrating gardeners – an 1840 letter from Australia ................ 2
2008 National ConferenceAdelaidePreliminary announcement and registration of interest................3
James Drummond’s date and place of birth ................ 4
A different slant on native species: invasive native plants causing problems in New South Wales .........4

Thesis abstract
Phylogeny of Juncaceae Juss., and species limits and natural hybridisation in Australasian Juncus L. section Juncotypus Dumort .......5

Edward W. Cross, botanist (1977–2007) ................ 6

George Seddon (1927–2007) ................ 8
Verne Grant (1917–2007) ................ 8

Food for thought
Tackling work issues ................ 9

Plant systematics in Adelaide ................ 10
New journal Charophytes ................ 10
Steve Hopper promotes systematics in Science ................ 11
Closure of the ABC Natural History Unit ................ 11
Moves from Canberra ................ 11

CHAH Inc. report
Resources of Australian Herbaria – update ................ 11

Changes to some Canberra email addresses ................ 11
Banksias in medieval England ................ 11

Employment and funding opportunities
Job opportunity, Cairns ................ 12
Funding opportunity: Network for Vegetation Function ................ 12
Volunteer opportunity at University of the Third Age ................ 12

ABRS report
New push for Australian taxonomy ................ 13

ABLO report ................ 14
Tentative herbarium destinations for the 2007–2008 ABLO, Jeremy Bruhl ................ 19

Book reviews
Flora of Australia volume 2 ................ 20
North-east Australian ‘Blue-greens’ (Cyanoprokaryota) ................. 22
Name that slime ................ 24
The discovery, science and culture of Sturt pea ................ 25
The introductory volume of Australia’s algal Flora ................ 27

Book notices
New State censuses: Tasmania, Northern Territory, Victoria, Queensland ................ 29
The Burke & Wills expedition ................ 29
Aboriginal people and their plants ................ 30
Plant conservation in Japan ................ 31
New and updated issue of Heywood’s Flowering Plants of the World ................ 31
New edition of Western Weeds ................ 32
The coastal discovery of Australia ................ 32
Valuing Australia’s northern savanna ................ 32

Websites of interest
1788–90 images of Australian plants ................ 33
Accessing Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia ................ 33
Photosynthesis – creating multidimensional images ................ 33
Barcoding ................ 33
Encyclopaedia of Life ................ 33

New online journal using video technology to improve often-used techniques ................ 34
2008 Rupert Barneby Award ................ 34
Biodiversity Heritage Library ................ 34
TED: spreading ideas ................ 34
Being green ................ 34
Getting a feel for the Lucid 3 tool ................ 34
Augustin-Pyramus De Candolle Prize ................ 35
EDIT’s School of European Taxonomy looking for trainers ................ 35
A new role for Scratchpads ................ 35
Examples of new technology in species web pages ................ 36
Which printer ink for labels? ................ 36
ScienceAlert a new website promoting Australian science ................ 36

From EnviroWeeds
Gamba grass fuelling fiery debate ................ 37
Weed threat to biodiversity being ignored ................ 37
How sterile is sterile? ................ 37
Australia’s glyphosate-resistant weeds ................ 37
New photogallery of weed infestations ................ 38
Mistletoes and biodiversity ................ 38
Weedy species being pushed as Biofuels ................ 38
Weeds and climate change ................ 38
A warning to gardeners on weeds and their sale on the internet ................ 38

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