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ASBS Newsletter

Number 137, December 2008


From the President
............. 1

Introducing the editors ............. 1

Inaugural Pauline Ladiges Prize ............. 4
Does traditional classification of Prostanthera dictate how pollination has evolved? ............. 5

Eichler Research Fund report
Morphological and genetic variation in the holly grevillea, Grevillea aquifolium Lindl. (Grevilleoideae: Proteaceae) ............. 6

Miss Janet Cosh, an Amateur Botanist ............. 10
Nomina subnuda and Mueller’s ‘Scary Myrtle’ ............. 12

Gamba grass declared a weed in the Northern Territory ............. 13
Weed alert for a new Asparagus species ............. 13
Changes to Australia’s biosecurity system proposed ............. 13
Mexican Feather Grass sold in Queensland nurseries as Stipa ............. 13
Live bumblebees not to be allowed entry into mainland Australia ............. 14
UK House of Lords Report on systematics and taxonomy ............. 14

2009 ASBS Conference Update ............. 15

ABLO report ............. 16

Book reviews
Interactive guide to Australian Environmental Weeds ............. 18
Introduced Australian Flora, a book and online database ............. 21
Starting Young – Life in a Tuart Tree ............. 22
A new Flora for Hong Kong – Halfway there ............. 23

Book notices
New books on Baobabs ............. 24
New book on Mapping the way we live ............. 24
New book on managing Brassicaceous weeds ............. 24
New Biography of Ellis Rowan ............. 25
New History and works of the Botanical Artists Group (WA) ............. 25
Received for Review ............. 25

Hansjörg Eichler Research Fund ............. 25

Retirements ............. 26
VII International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology ............. 26
Kew Botanical Gardens 250th Anniversary Scientific Congress ............. 26
VI Southern Connections Congress ............. 26
Number of Species to be revised: Call for Data ............. 26

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