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ASBS Newsletter

Number 63, June, 1990



The Case of the Five Acacias by David Morrison .................... 1
What Price a Herbarium Specimen? by Philip Short .................... 4
Extinction is not Always for Ever; Triunia robusta (Proteaceae) by P.I. Forster, A.R. Bean & M.C. Tucker .................... 9
The Demise of the BRIU Angiosperm Collection by Paul I. Forster & Lyn G. Jessup .................... 9
George Caley - Botanicus Peritus et Accuratus by Joan Webb .................... 10

SBS Business
1990 ASBS Meetings .................... 12

Bureau of Flora and Fauna .................... 14

Australian Botanical Liaison Officer .................... 15

Reviews .................... 16

Recent Publications .................... 20

Microfiche of Herbaria housed in Australian Collections .................... 21
Improving the Stability of Names: Needs and Options: Symposium .................... 21
Australian Academy of Science Programmes 1990-91 .................... 22
The IV International Solanaccae Conference .................... 22
Riddles .................... 22
The Linnean Society of London: Annual Regional Meeting .................... 23
Forest 90 .................... 23

Letter .................... 23

Requests .................... 23

Australian Systematic Botany Society Publications .................... 24