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ASBS Newsletter

Number 70, March, 1992


Editorial .................... 1

Memories of J.M. Black, by W.R. Barker, C.M. Eardley, M. Andrew .................... 2
Robert Mudie (1777-1842) and Australian botany, or The saga of the Black Bean, by D. Mabberley .................... 13

The Casuarinaceae: Allocasuaria is unsupported, by Y. Hwang .................... 16
Authorship of the Compositae of Plantae Muellerianae, by P.S. Short, R.K. Brummit, H. Eichler .................... 19

Australian Systematic Botany Society Business
Fourteenth general meeting .................... 23
Subscription warning .................... 23

Determinavit Slips .................... 24

Australian Biological Resources Study .................... 25
Co-ordinating research on molecular evolution of plants .................... 25
Herbarium ceiling as plant press .................... 26
Australian Botanical Liaison Officer, Kew .................... 27

Personal News .................... 27

Advances in Legume Biology .................... 28
An Introduction to Plant Taxonomy, Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics .................... 30
Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney .................... 33
Solanaceae III. Taxonomy, Chemistry, Evolution .................... 34
The Story of the Flinders Ranges Mammals .................... 35
Recent Publications .................... 35

Notices .................... 36

Australian Systematic Botany Society Publications .................... 39

A.S.B.S. Chapter Conveners, and Herbaria Phone Numbers .................... 40