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ASBS Newsletter

Number 74, March 1993


Dampiera fusca (Goodeniaccae): An extension of range, conservation status assessment, and identification notes by S. Alston, G. Chandler, M. Lawley, D. Martin, S. Podreka, S. Richmond, M. Ryan, N, Taws .................... 1

Celebration of botanists' birthdays, by G, Chippendale .................... 3
Newsletter, by G. Crowley .................... 3
I never wrote to the authors for reprints of the following articles, by D.C. Speirs .................... 4

Australian Systematic Botany Society Business
Minutes of the Fifteenth General Meeting .................... 5
Treasurer's report for the financial year ended 31 December 1992 .................... 8

Nancy Burbidge Memorial Lecture
Elizabeth Truswell .................... 10

Australian Biological Resources Study .................... 11
Australian Botanical Liaison Officer, Kew .................... 12
FASTS board meetings and anntial general meeting .................... 14
A manifesto for Australia's future from FASTS .................... 14
Foundation Flora Malesiana .................... 15
Workshop on Molecular Phylogeny .................... 16
Forum on Phylogenetic methodology .................... 16
ASBS Melbourne Chapter .................... 17
The CHAH Herbarium Technicians Workshop .................... 18
Southern Temperate Ecosystems Conference .................... 18

Determinavit Slips .................... 20

Plant Taxonomy: The Systematic Evaluation of Comparative Data .................... 21
Grevillea (Proteaccae). A Taxonomic Revision .................... 27
The Names of Acacias of New South Wales .................... 30
Flora of New South Wales, Volume 3 .................... 30
Recent Publications .................... 31

Index to A.S.B.S. Newsletter Numbers 70-73, 1992 .................... 32

A.S.B.S. Chapter Conveners, and Herbaria Phone Numbers .................... 36