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ASBS Newsletter

Number 84, September 1995


From the President

Farewell .................... 1

Patent on Cladistic Analysis .................... 2
Insights into Mueller's Modus Operandi .................... 4
Robert Brown's Diary .................... 6

FASTS' Policy .................... 8
A new Latin declension - Liber .................... 13

National Biodiversity Council .................... 14
Progress Report .................... 15
Information Bulletin.................... 16
Nature Conservation in Western Australia .................... 18

ABLO .................... 20

ABRS .................... 23

Kangaroo Apples .................... 25
A woman in the Wilderness .................... 26

Obituary .................... 28
Changes at Darwin .................... 28
Phone numbers at Brisbane .................... 28
Plant Systematic research in Australasia .................... 28
Rubiaceae listserver .................... 29
Rubiaceac Newsletter .................... 30
Southem Connection Congress .................... 30
Southern Connection Form .................... 31

Advertisement .................... 32

A.S.B.S. Publications .................... 33

A.S.B.S. Membership forms .................... 34, 35

A.S.B.S. Chapter Conveners and Herbaria Phone Numbers .................... 36