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ASBS Newsletter

Number 91, June 1997


President's Report
.................... 1

ASBS Inc. Business .................... 3

Letters to the Editor
Distribution of funds under the ABRS Participatory Grants Program - Hal Cogger .................... 4
On the proposed society for systematists - Alex George .................... 6

Conferences .................... 7

Some Australian Myrtaceae specimens held at Geneva Herbarium (G) - A. R. Bean .................... 8
A simple experiment conjures up more problems - H. Toelken .................... 9

Thesis abstracts
Epacris Cav. - its phylogeny and relationships to Rupicola Maiden & Betche and Budawangia Telford - M. J. Southam .................... 12
Phylogenetic relationships within Monotoca R. Br. and Oligarrhena R. Br. (Epacridaceae) - C. T. Owens .................... 12

Australian Biological Resources Study .................... 14

ABLO Report .................... 17

News from FASTS .................... 19

Awards .................... 23

Plant Notes
Panicum racemosum .................... 24

Email addresses .................... 25
An editorial comment-2. A tense situation .................... 26
'I really do wish to thank' .................... 26
'Society of Australian Systematic Biologists' World Wide Web Home Page .................... 27

Book Reviews
"Historical biogeography of the southeast Asian genus Spatholobus (Legum. - Papilionoideae) and its allies" .................... 29
"The ecology and biogeography of Nothofagus forests" .................... 32
"Cottoning On" .................... 37