5. Promoting Australian Plants
5.1 Interpretation and Information Services
Aim: To encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about and
value Australian plants while enjoying their visit to the Gardens.
The Gardens provide opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds
to learn about and enjoy Australias flora through information and interpretive
The Visitor Centre is the prime point of contact for visitors to the Gardens
and staff are available there to answer visitors questions about the Gardens.
A shop, occupied and operated under a licence granted by the Director of National
Parks, also forms part of the Centre. Although surveys show that around 40 per
cent of visitors make use of the Visitor Centre, the proportion would be higher
if the Centre was better integrated into the main pedestrian flow patterns into
the Gardens proper and would improve the revenue potential of the shop (see
Chapter 8).
The Visitor Centre also provides a venue for exhibitions covering a wide range
of topics such as vegetation types, plant groups, animal-plant interactions,
human uses of plants, conservation and botanical art. Where appropriate, these
are linked with outdoor activities in the Gardens and supported with printed
material and digital media. The exhibitions are also made available, usually
in a modified form, to regional botanic gardens or other suitable venues for
The CPBR manages the Public Reference Herbarium which is currently located
in the Visitor Centre. Visitors and those studying the regional flora are encouraged
to use this resource to identify their own plant specimens or collections. Visitors
can also leave plant specimens to be identified by the Gardens scientific staff
(refer also to Section 4.2).
Leaflets are provided on a range of aspects of the Gardens and Australian plants,
including a general guide, self-guided walks, plant groups, facts and figures,
memorials and bibliographies. Donations, through an honour system, are requested
to cover costs of the information leaflets.
Interpretive signs and descriptive labels along major walking paths supplement
the plant identification labels in the Gardens. These signs contain information
about the plants and their place in the natural ecosystem or use in past and
present human cultures.
The Friends Volunteer Guides have become a significant addition to the information
and interpretation programs, providing a positive experience for both the guides
and those participating in the tours.
- The Visitor Centre will be open to visitors and operated by staff on all
days that the Gardens is open. The Visitor Centre will be maintained as an
inviting and attractive place for visitors with staff available to answer
enquires and direct visitors to plants or places of interest (see also Section
- Exhibitions on a wide range of topics related to Australian plants and the
environment will be displayed in the Visitor Centre.
- Interpretive information about the plants and the environment will continue
to be strategically placed around the Gardens.
- Volunteer Guides will be encouraged to maintain an active service, providing
a human face to the Gardens interpretive program.
Management Actions
Visitor Centre
- Exhibitions will be prepared by the Gardens or borrowed from other institutions,
and will be changed several times each year. A range of different types of
exhibitions will be programmed, focusing on the broad theme of Australian
plants and the environment, and designed to appeal to a variety of tastes.
- Maps and interpretive information leaflets focusing on various plant groups
and their cultivation will be produced and distributed from the Visitor Centre.
In particular a new visitor guide will be produced and there will be a review
of leaflet structure. The public will continue to be encouraged to make donations
to cover the cost of producing leaflets.
- The Public Reference Herbarium will be maintained. Its use by the public
will be encouraged and facilities such as reference books, computer access
to the Web and interactive digital plant identification keys will be provided.
A review of the operation of this Herbarium will be conducted to ensure the
resource meets public expectations and can be adequately used by them.
See Section 8.2 for development proposals in relation to the Visitor Centre.
Outdoor Interpretation and Orientation
- A sign manual will be prepared to promote greater consistency in the style
of interpretive and orientation signs.
- A plan will be developed outlining priority interpretive messages for various
audiences and methods to convey them.
- Signs describing the basic theme for a garden bed will be placed in strategic
locations around the Gardens. These will match the style of the directional
signs and replace the old signs.
- In conjunction with redevelopment of plant displays and paths (refer also
to Section 8.3), priority will be given to improving visitor orientation methods
along the main path, which may include signs, path distance markers, and landmarks
(including artworks).
- A series of secondary thematic loops from the primary walk will be defined
and interpreted. These may include themes on Tasmanian flora, Sydney region
flora, Myrtaceae (paperbarks, teatrees, lilly pillies) and Proteaceae (banksias,
grevilleas, waratahs). (refer also to Section 8.3).
- Environmental monitoring stations will be considered as part of the interpretation
of site micro-climatic conditions.
Volunteer Guided Tours
- A Volunteer Guide program will be supported and encouraged as part of the
interpretive strategy, with the overall aim of providing a high quality daily
tour service. Training programs will be held from time to time when necessary.
- Staff will pursue opportunities for including volunteers in a broad range
of Gardens programs.
5.2 Education
a) To provide programs and resources for educational institutions, their
staff and students; and for the public.
b) To assist people to learn about Australian plants and the environment
and to develop skills and interests in horticulture.
The Gardens education service prepares and provides learning materials
and training to teachers wishing to use the Gardens as a teaching resource.
The formal education program is aimed mainly at primary and secondary students.
As a result, it is broad-reaching across the curriculum, but has a focus on
botany, horticulture and environmental education. There is strong emphasis on
cultural studies of the uses of native plants by indigenous and non-indigenous
Australians. Education assistants (called Explainers) are recruited and trained
to help deliver the program. They are employed on a needs basis to lead groups
in educational activities at the Gardens and assist with other education activities.
The Gardens has strong links with local tertiary institutions and encourages
their use of its facilities. The ANBG also cooperates with groups such as the
University of the Third Age in providing facilities for senior citizens to pursue
educational programs. As part of this broad educational program, the Banks Centre
provides community education programs including horticulture, special education
and programs for seniors.
Work experience placements are also provided for secondary and tertiary students
and others within various sections of the organisation.
- The educational facilities, programs and resources of the Gardens will be
designed for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds and will be publicised
to encourage people, particularly those in educational institutions, to make
use of them.
- The educational programs of the Gardens will operate with a cross curriculum
approach, with a focus on the biology and horticulture of Australian plants
and the natural environment. Special emphasis will be placed on the uses of
native plants by indigenous and non-indigenous Australians and on understanding
the importance of Australias biodiversity and the need to protect it.
- The Gardens will encourage teachers to bring students to the Gardens rather
than provide living plant material to schools.
- The Gardens will consult with relevant Aboriginal people in the development
of indigenous education programs.
- Charges will apply for some programs to assist with the provision of consumable
materials and resources (refer to Appendix 6).
Management Actions
General Programs
- Kits and information packages will be produced on a range of topics to meet
the needs of teachers and current curricula, and to encourage sound conservation
and environmental practices.
- Activities for students at the Gardens will involve both indoor and outdoor
activities, with emphasis on the use of self-guided Discover activities
on various themes.
- For local and regional schools, emphasis will be placed on professional
development for teachers to enable them to become more confident in effectively
using the Gardens facilities, requiring less staff and Explainer contact
with groups.
- A limited number of work experience and vocational training placements will
be accepted in various areas of the Gardens each year.
- Strong links will be established with CSIROs Green Machine and Discovery
Centre and other relevant education programs to provide teachers and students
with complementary packages of biological programs on Black Mountain.
- The Gardens will incorporate information technology and other practical
solutions and investigate the establishment of a multimedia initiative through
sponsorship, to further develop the education program. This will focus on
environmental activities for students and the wider community with the aim
of increasing understanding and commitment to the environment.
- Tertiary level programs will be developed on request, using the available
expertise of the Gardens and tailored to the needs of the tertiary institution.
- The Australian National Herbarium will continue to offer a two-month summer
internship to students in the life sciences. The internship will enable students
to undertake training in the operation and management of a scientific botanical
collecting institution in return for a considerable input of volunteer labour
(refer also to Section 4.4).
- Various areas of the Gardens will provide work experience placements from
tertiary institutions in consultation with those institutions.
Community Education
- The Gardens will continue to present programs and activities to celebrate
National Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Day Observance Committee
(NAIDOC) Week (in consultation with relevant Aboriginals).
- The Australian Science Festival, Wattle Day and other celebratory events
will continue to be the focus of some education programs.
- The Gardens will continue to offer facilities to work in partnership with
adult community organisations such as the University of the Third Age and
Painting with Parkinsons.
- Opportunities to develop new community partnerships will be actively investigated,
with a focus on training programs for Volunteer Guides, Staff Development
and the Community.
- The Gardens will present a range of community education programs focusing
on Australian native plants - their horticulture, biology and use; and biodiversity
and conservation.
Special Education
- Programs at the Banks Centre that cater for people with disabilities will,
where practicable, be integrated with other educational and recreational activities
being undertaken in the Gardens. Adults and children from non-English speaking
backgrounds will be catered for.
- An education assistance program, called the Explainers, will form part of
the Education Service programs. Recruitment and training will be conducted
as required.
5.3 The Gardens Library
Aim: To support the mission of the Gardens by the provision of timely and
high quality information services.
The Gardens Library is an integral part of the Gardens, developing with the
Gardens under various management arrangements of the last forty years. The Library
is currently managed as a branch of the Environment Australia Library and shares
its catalogue, which is accessible through the Web, with the Environment Australia
The Library provides services to staff and volunteers of the Gardens, and its
resources are also available to related institutions and members of the public.
The Library collections include books, journals, maps and multi-media materials.
An archival collection including published and unpublished material relating
to the history and activities of the Gardens is held in the Library, as is a
collection of rare books and special editions. The Australian Biological Resources
Study (ABRS) publications are held as a discrete collection.
Well-established networks for loans and exchange of information operate with
the CSIRO Black Mountain Library, together with libraries of other major Australian
botanic gardens, and through membership of the Council on Botanical and Horticultural
Libraries and the Environment Librarians Network.
The Library participates in the Gardens Volunteer program, accepting and assisting
volunteers as part of the management program.
- Management policies and procedures of the Gardens Library will be developed
in accordance with those of the main Environment Australia Library.
- The Gardens Library will be maintained and managed at the Gardens site,
with the collection reflecting the thematic focus of the living and herbarium
collections, the conservation and horticulture of Australian plants, and education
about biodiversity and the Australian environment.
- Library services will be available to Gardens staff and associates such
as CPBR staff, student interns, Friends of the Gardens, volunteer guides and
Explainers. Arrangements may be made to provide access for others such as
researchers, students, staff from related institutions and the general public.
- The Library will accept suitable donations and may accept material under
government tax incentive schemes.
Management Actions
Access to the Library and Library Services
- The Library will be open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm, with access for
non-Gardens associates by appointment or prior arrangement.
- The Library catalogue and other Library resources will be available to the
general public through the Web.
- Some restrictions on loans will apply for certain categories of Library
materials and Library clients. For example, rare books are not available for
Library Services
- Library services to clients will be provided in a timely and efficient manner
and the library collections and services will be promoted to clients. For
example, the Library will take advantage of electronic information systems
and the Library website will continue to be developed.
- Cooperative links with other institutions will be maintained and utilised,
including the Australian inter-library loan network and links with CSIRO and
major Australian botanic gardens libraries and environmental libraries.
Collection Management
- The collections will be housed to ensure material is readily available for
clients while also being preserved in optimal conditions with adequate space
provisions. For example, special conservation measures will be used for certain
collections where required.
- The Disaster Management and Recovery Plan will be further developed and
implemented in conjunction with the Herbarium.
5.4 Photograph Management
Aim: To further develop the collection of photographs of Australian plants
and their habitats to promote Australian plants, their conservation and cultural
The Gardens has an active policy of building a collection of photographs of
all Australian plants. Photographs are taken by staff and are sought from a
range of photographers throughout Australia.
Photographs showing the development of the Gardens, horticultural practices,
examples of landscape design and other images used for educational purposes
or historical records supplement the collection. Data from the photographs are
linked with those of the herbarium and living collections through the Gardens
computer database.
Original photographs are not released from the collection but duplicates or
digital images are supplied to publishers and loaned for lectures or similar
purposes. Access to the collection is granted to individuals and organisations
to promote interest in our native flora and, where the Commonwealths copyright
is administered by the Gardens, the Gardens licenses publishers to reproduce
photographs from the collection. There is a charge for this service (refer to
Appendix 6).
The Web is now the prime mechanism for disseminating the scope of the collection
to prospective users. Descriptions of all photographs are accessible through
the Web and low-resolution images are gradually being made available for viewing.
- The curation of the photographic collection will be continued and enhanced
and the photographs will be stored under the most appropriate archival conditions
for their day-to-day management.
- The Gardens will continue to act as custodian of copyright for photographs
taken by staff in the course of their duties, or for copyright of photographs
donated to or purchased by the Gardens.
- The data associated with photographs will continue to be transferred to
the Gardens computer database and associated electronic image storage
technology will be implemented.
- The Gardens will license publishers to reproduce images and will provide
duplicates or digital images of photographs for educational and promotional
- Charges will apply in certain instances for costs associated with licences,
handling and duplication of photos for reproduction (refer to Appendix 6).
- Charges apply for the capturing of images of the Gardens and its plants,
and for filming in the Gardens, for commercial purposes (refer to Appendix
6). Charges may be waived or discounted if these activities assist in promoting
the Gardens stated mission.
Management Actions
Promotion of the Collection
- The use of the collection by publishers from both the private and public
sector will be encouraged. The best promotion for the collection is a photo
credit acknowledging the Gardens alongside photographs published in a range
of books and magazines.
- Images will be stored on Kodak Photo CD or a similar medium and then transferred
to the Gardens website allowing international promotion of the collection.
- Students will be encouraged to visit the collection on-line and become aware
of its scope and availability.
Sources for Photographs for the Collection
- Staff will be encouraged to photograph plants in the Gardens and in the
field and place them in the collection.
- The wider botanical community will be encouraged through promotional materials,
direct approaches and awareness raising activities to donate or bequeath reliably
identified, high quality photographs to the collection.
- The Gardens will promote the use of the governments tax incentive
schemes to encourage suitable donations to the collection and facilitate this
Commercial Access to the Collection
(refer also to Appendix 6)
- A charge will apply for use of photographs published from the collection.
Electronic transmission of licensed images through the Web will be implemented
when practicable.
- Duplicate slides may be purchased for educational purposes. The purchase
price does not include the right to reproduce the slides or publish the photographs.
Public Access to the Collection
- The transfer of images to the Gardens website will continue as a means
of making the collection accessible to the public.
- Access to the physical collection may be permitted by appointment.
- The Gardens will evaluate the feasibility of establishing a new shopfront
to provide more direct public access to the photographic collection and, if
feasible and resources permit, establish and implement it.
Scientific Access to the Collection
- Photographs associated with, and linked to, herbarium specimens in the Australian
National Herbarium and the living collections will be progressively incorporated
into the photograph collection.
- Photographs from the collection will be used to illustrate interactive CD
keys and other multi-media products being produced by the Australian scientific
community, and the Gardens will seek to become an active partner in their
- Botanical sites on the Web may be permitted to make links to photographs
on the Gardens website.
5.5 Recreation
Aim: To encourage visitor use that is consistent with the educational and
horticultural values of botanic gardens.
For many visitors recreation is an important part of their visit to the Gardens.
Enjoyment of the site fosters positive community attitudes toward botanic gardens
and Australian plants and motivates visitors to learn from the setting and make
use of the Gardens botanical and educational resources.
The Gardens organises a variety of outdoor recreational activities, including
musical performances and theatre, as well as particular activities for the young.
These programs endeavour to meet the needs of people with a wide range of ages
and abilities. Holiday programs for children using games or making creatures
out of seeds and fruits, for example often link or merge with more formalised
educational programs. Catering for community interests such as art and craft,
entertainment and exercise form part of planning suitable recreational experiences
for visitors to the Gardens site.
The Gardens Bookshop and Café provide services for visitors (see also
Chapter 9) to enhance the pleasure of their visit and reinforce the experience
with a souvenir or literature. Marketing these facilities is also an important
part of attracting visitors to the Gardens. A range of other visitor services
including private functions (particularly weddings) and hire of facilities is
part of the Gardens function and helps support the institution and its
programs through revenue enhancement. Activities which do not interfere with
the enjoyment of other visitors to the Gardens are encouraged.
The EPBC Act (s.354(1)(f)) prohibits commercial actions in Commonwealth reserves
except in accordance with a management plan. The EPBC Regulations contain provisions
that may be relevant to the carrying on of recreational and associated activities
in the Gardens for example r.12.39 prohibits collection of money or goods as
gifts from the public. Recreational activities that are prohibited by the Regulations
may be carried out under a permit issued by the Director of National Parks,
or in accordance with a management plan.
- Recreational activities consistent with the mission and objectives of the
Gardens will be promoted to encourage people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds
to enjoy botanic gardens.
- A program of musical and similar entertainments which appeals to a wide
cross-section of the community will be implemented.
- The Gardens visitors will be encouraged to use the Café and Bookshop,
and these facilities will be maintained to a high standard through the contributions
of licensees and the Gardens.
- Designated venue spaces will be available for hire for appropriate private
functions, where these are in keeping with the organisations vision
and do not impede enjoyment of the Gardens by other patrons (refer to Appendix
- Other charges may be payable for use of the Gardens for recreational purposes
(refer to Appendix 6).
- The Friends of the Gardens may, in accordance with prior written approval
given by the Director of National Parks, conduct recreational activities on
a commercial basis (by charging a fee) or collect donations in connection
with recreational activities, without a permit issued under the Regulations,
Management Actions
- Recreational classes related to Australian plants and the natural environment
will be conducted by ANBG staff and other parties.
- Programs for people with disabilities or special needs will be integrated
with activities for the wider community to provide access for all and special
account will be taken of the needs of the elderly.
- The Gardens will work closely with the Friends in the development of recreational
programs such as musical entertainment.
- Holiday programs for children will be organised from time to time. People
with special expertise may contracted to present school holiday programs at
the Gardens.
- The Gardens will establish innovative and enjoyable facilities to cater
for childrens play, with an emphasis on plant biodiversity themes. Community
input together with that of suitable design and play consultants
will be sought to assist in determining the nature of these facilities, to
ensure they will appeal to younger children and to meet relevant safety standards
(refer also to Section 8.2).
- Where necessary and considered appropriate by the Director of National Parks
in accordance with this Plan, permits may be issued for recreational activities.
5.6 Marketing the Gardens through Advertising and Promotion
Aim: To increase appropriate use of the Gardens by the community through
promotional activities.
Strategies aimed at raising public awareness of Australias flora and
the unique nature of the site have been implemented to increase visitor numbers.
An annual program of paid advertising is undertaken. The Gardens also contributes
to a variety of publications, including local newspapers, gardening journals,
specialist periodicals, industry newsletters, radio and television advertisements.
The content promotes the Gardens in general, and any special events and programs.
Information displays have been used to illustrate Gardens activities at local
events such as Floriade and Canberra Festival, and at other venues interstate.
The Gardens regularly participates in activities, such as local and interstate
promotions undertaken by the National Capital Authority and Canberra Events
and Tourism Corporation. It also works cooperatively with other attractions
and neighbours such as Canberra Nature Park, in developing and promoting joint
programs, such as the Black Mountain Summit Walking Trail.
Promotional videos have been produced for national distribution to television
stations throughout Australia and permanent displays have been positioned in
prominent Canberra tourist attractions.
The Gardens has expanded its marketing base by participating as an official
event in such programs as the National Science Festival and Floriade. Promotional
activities associated with these and other local events have included radio
quiz programs with Gardens-related questions and the provision of Gardens
products or services as prizes and give-aways. With the cooperation of the Friends
of the Gardens, a poster featuring bush foods was developed and has proved a
popular promotional item.
The Gardens continued membership in the National Capital Attractions
Association places it in an excellent position to maintain strategic partnerships
with other key institutions concerned with encouraging tourism to the region.
In recent years, efforts have been made to promote the Gardens through concerts
and special events. Generous media sponsorship has assisted in promoting Gardens
programs on television and radio.
Interviews and editorials in local and national radio programs, and in newspapers,
have generated interest in the Gardens and Australias plants. Media releases
issued by the Gardens have been well received.
- Promotional activities, including paid advertising, will be undertaken to
encourage visitation to the Gardens and to raise awareness of Australian plants.
- Cooperation will continue with other visitor attractions, industry partners
and tourism authorities in Canberra and interstate.
- Media and industry sponsorship will be sought whenever appropriate.
- Events will be arranged to focus public attention on seasonal attractions.
Management Actions
- A program of paid advertising will be developed for print and electronic
media with both local and national target audiences.
- Joint advertising with the shop and cafe and the Gardens will be pursued.
- The Gardens may use opportunities for free community advertising.
- Media releases and editorials will reflect the activities and progress of
the ANBG, and opportunities for interviews with ANBG staff will be used to
promote the Gardens.
- Gardens staff will be encouraged to take up suitable opportunities to act
as guest speakers at local events.
- A new travelling display will be completed to promote the Gardens locally
and interstate.
- The Friends of the Gardens will be encouraged to join with the Gardens in
joint promotional projects and to use their newsletter to promote Gardens
- Volunteer Guides will be recruited, trained and supported to continue their
role as a major promotional resource for the Gardens (see also section 5.1).
5.7 Community Outreach
Aim: To maintain active links and involvement with the community at a local,
national and international level.
The Gardens recognises that there is a need for strong community involvement
in its activities and that many people wish to actively support its work by
contributing their time and effort. It has actively and successfully encouraged
the development of a support group, the Friends of the Australian National Botanic
Gardens Inc., which was established in 1990 and incorporated in 1992.
The Friends is a non-profit community-based organisation whose goals are to:
- liaise closely with Gardens management to help bring about mutual advantage;
- increase community awareness of the scientific, horticultural, conservation,
educational, cultural and recreational functions of the gardens;
- conduct activities for the benefit of the members;
- raise and expend funds to enhance the continuing development of the Gardens;
- maintain a high standard of Friends service.
The Gardens continues to support the Friends in a number of their endeavours.
The Friends receive promotional space in the Visitor Centre, office space, a
lounge for their members, space for the Craft Group, a propagation area for
the Growing Friends, and support for the production of their newsletter. The
Director of the Gardens and the liaison officer are ex-officio members
of the Friends Council. The Friends also invite the staff of the Gardens to
elect one committee member to represent the views of staff on the Council.
Volunteers play a valuable role in the work of the Gardens. The most obvious
role of volunteers from a visitors point of view is the Volunteer Guides
Service, which provides regular tours of the Gardens. Volunteers also contribute
a substantial amount of their time to many of the Herbarium and Seedbank activities.
Volunteers have also produced the interpretive handout sheet In Flower this
Week in printed form since 1985 and as a website since 1993. Recognition
of the work of volunteers during the International Year of Volunteers is planned
through the hosting of the National Volunteer Guides Conference and the release
of the daisy Helichrysum Helping Hand in conjunction
with Volunteering Australia to celebrate volunteer achievement.
In May 1992, volunteers working at the Gardens came under the umbrella of the
Commonwealth Employees Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988,
which provides for workers compensation insurance in the event of any mishap
in the workplace.
For those people who cannot get to the Gardens due to distance or lack of mobility,
the Gardens provides an active website. This site carries a wide range of information
about the botany and horticulture of Australian plants, photographs of Australias
flora and a weekly update of what is in flower. About 6000 pages are accessed
from the Gardens website each day from more than 100 countries.
- The Gardens will foster the community support group called the Friends of
the Australian National Botanic Gardens.
- The Gardens will foster and manage a volunteer work program to cater for
members of the community who wish to participate in a range of unpaid work
in the Gardens.
- The Gardens will provide a website to encourage a wider national and international
community to take an interest in Australian plants, the Gardens and its aims
and activities.
- The Gardens website will provide links to other web sites which have as
their prime focus topics relating to Australian plants or botanic gardens,
or to institutions or sites of relevance to the research role of the Gardens
or the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research.
Management Actions
Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Inc
- The Gardens will continue to foster good relations with the Friends, to
provide office and lounge space, to support the production of their newsletter
and to cooperate in the staging of special events. It will work closely with
the Friends to increase and broaden their membership, both locally and nationally.
- The Gardens will continue to offer space for sub-groups of the Friends where
possible. A plant propagation area will also be provided.
- Where necessary and considered appropriate by the Director of National Parks
in accordance with this Plan, permits may be issued to the Friends to undertake
commercial activities and collect donations on the site (refer also to Section
5.5 in relation to commercial activities and collection of donations in connection
with approved recreational activities). The Director of National Parks may
also grant licences or enter into contracts with the Friends for the conduct
of appropriate commercial activities.
- The Gardens will provide a liaison officer to facilitate cooperative arrangements
between the Friends and Gardens management, and encourage staff involvement
in Friends activities.
- The Director of National Parks will continue to offer the Friends free entry
and parking at the Gardens and offer their members concession rates for the
hiring of facilities.
- The Gardens will inform the Friends of projects and activities for which
they can provide positive input in financial and other ways.
- The Gardens will provide space on its Web server for the Friends to manage
a Web page to promote their activities.
- Volunteers will be encouraged to contribute their time and labour to the
Gardens and staff will be trained to supervise and provide guidance to volunteers
in an appropriate manner. Care will be taken in choosing tasks suitable for
- Volunteers will be registered and records will be kept of the times that
each volunteer is working in the Gardens to satisfy the requirements of the
workers compensation regulations.
- The Volunteer Guides will continue to be supported and training programs
will be continued to maintain guides expertise and confidence in dealing
with visitors. New training programs will be arranged when necessary.
- The Herbarium will continue to encourage volunteer workers while providing
on-the-job training in various tasks related to the scientific study of Australian
plants (refer also to Section 4.5).
World Wide Web (The Web)
- The Gardens will maintain a prominent presence on the Web.
- The Web will be used to promote the Gardens and as an educational tool,
disseminating information about Australian plants and their cultural significance
to the public. In addition, it will be used to make the various national botanical
data-sets for which the Gardens has custodianship freely available to the
- The Gardens may make space available on its Web server for the Council of
Heads of Australian Botanic Gardens and other bodies of relevance to Australian
botany or botanic gardens.
15 December, 2004
, webmaster, ANBG (anbg-info@anbg.gov.au)