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This Management Plan has generally been developed on the basis that resources similar to those of 1999/2000 will be available. To construct some new facilities (Section 8.2) new funding based on the successful presentation of a business case will be required. Where appropriate, other funding sources and partnerships will be investigated.
Review of the Plan may be carried out at any time, although an annual review of progress in implementing the Plan will be instituted. Annual reviews will examine the extent to which management strategies have been implemented and the extent to which they are meeting the stated objectives and goals. They will also consider how available resources might best be allocated to meet the range of objectives identified.
Mechanisms for such reviews will be incorporated into the work plan for each section within the Gardens.
An additional independent review will be carried out towards the end of the duration of this Plan, with the following terms of reference:
a) to consider each prescribed management action and determine whether or not it was carried out;
b) to evaluate the performance of each prescribed action in relation to the aim or aims it was intended to serve;
c) in the case of any prescribed action that was not implemented or which failed to achieve the desired outcome, to determine the cause;
d) to report the results of (a), (b) and (c) above to the Director of National Parks together with an overall assessment of the delivery of the Plan in relation to its aims; and
e) in the light of this Plans performance, to recommend to the Director of National Parks any changes to the objectives and prescribed actions that should be considered during the preparation of the next plan.
Not less than two years before the cessation of the Plan, a comprehensive visitor survey will be conducted to determine visitation levels and patterns, visitor satisfaction or otherwise with the facilities and services offered by the Gardens and visitor perceptions of the appropriate future direction for the Gardens. This information will be used in the future planning of the Gardens.