Extract from Govenment Gazette (No.95) of 18 November, 1960
By His Excelency The Honourable Sir John Patric Dwyer, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Liutenant-Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia.
WHEREAS it has been made appear to me, the Lieutenant-Govenor, desirable that a floral emblem be adopted as an emblem of the State of Western Australia and further that such emblem ought to be the flower of the plant known as the Kangaroo Paw and more fully described as Anigosanthos Manglesii D. Don: NOW THEREFORE I, the Liutenant-Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council do hereby declare that the flower of the plant known as the Kangaroo Paw and more fully described as Anigosanthos Manglesii D. Don be adopted and recognised as the floral emblem of the State of Western Australia.
Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State at Perth, this 9th day of November, 1960.
By His Excellency's Command,