Searching the Australian
Plant Image Index
and other photograph or illustration collections of the Australian National Botanic Gardens.
The Photo Collections of the ANBG - plants, non-plants, archives, history etc
The Australian Plant Image Index, the collection of plant photos, scope, format, donations and tax incentives.
Conditions and fees for using images from the Australian Plant Image Index or the ANBG's web site.
Policy – management of the image collection from the ANBG Management Plan.
Search for photos
Digital images
using Genus and species.
This searches from over 28,000 photos from the APII that are born-digital or have been
digitized. (IBIS format)
Records of all plant photos
using Genus and species (only 70% digitized).
This searches records of over 48,000 plant photos held in the APII,
those that are digitized are displayed as thumbnails.
Complex Search for records of all plant photos
using a range of criteria (only 70% digitized).
This searches all plant photos held in the APII using a wider range of search criteria, not designed for the general public. (IBIS format)
Digital images
of plant photos by Family
This searches born-digital or digitised images. It uses frames.
An alternative non-frame search by family list is available
Digital images by genus.
A long list of Australian genera for which we have digitized photos can be selected from.
Non-plants photos using key words (landscapes, animals, national parks etc).
Searches miscellaneous photos held by the ANBG, you must surround
each key word with a '%', ie Key Words: %Kakadu% (IBIS format)
Vegetation photos using a classification based on the book: Australian Native Vegetation Assessment 2001, produced National Land and Water Resources Audit in 2001.
Searches miscellaneous photos held by the ANBG, based on 34 categories. This is designed to help people find photos, not to define vegetation classification.
Other helpful information
Please note that we are unable to provide identifications of plants from your photographs. If you would like assistance with plant identification please consider submitting images or preferably specimens via the Plant Enquiry Service.
Hints on taking plant photos - a very basic discussion, with examples, of some elements of plant photography
Using the 'Australian Plant Census (APC)' to check the current name of a plant.
It helps to use the current botanical name of Australian plants,
the APC is a consensus list of names and name changes agreed to by the Australian herbaria. The families Asteraceae and Orchidaceae have not been treated at this stage.
If you only know a common name this database might help.
The Australian Botanical Name Portal provides links to a wealth of information, including other photo sources.
What our ANBG visitors photograph:
View the images on Flickr that visitors have taken in the ANBG.