Policy Document
Visitor Categories
Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research
This document includes a complete listing of all categories of visitors to the Centre, with indication of appropriate insurance cover in case of compensation claims and identifies the body(ies) responsible for that cover. (see table)
The Director is responsible for authorising approval of individuals into the different categories; initial decisions to be taken by the Program Leaders.
All non-staff personnel will be informed in writing of their responsibilities at the beginning of their association with the Centre. Reminder letters will be sent in each subsequent year.
- Retired ex-CSIRO employees completing or continuing projects of merit. These activities must be in line with the goals of the Centre. A yearly report of all activities must be provided to the Chief of Plant Industry and the Centre Director. Fellowships are renewable on an annual basis. 24 hour access available on a needs basis. Insurance coverage is provided by ComCare through CSIRO.
- Scientifically qualified staff from other Australian or overseas universities and research institutes spending time working in the Centre on a research program of mutual benefit and interest to both the visitor and CPBR. Such visitors are often, though by no means exclusively, on study leave from their home institution. CSIRO has a specific set of guidelines for such visitors. 24 hour access available on a needs basis. Insurance cover provided by visitor’s home institution.
- Scientific Associate: Researchers who would normally be expected to have some formal scientific qualifications. Scope is provided for them to work on their own projects (subject to negotiation) providing these are of mutual benefit and interest to both the associate and the CPBR. 24 hour access available on a needs basis. Insurance cover provided as a special category of the ANBG Herbarium Volunteers scheme (ComCare through Environment Australia).
- Associate: Persons for whom formal qualifications are not necessary but who are accorded this status on the basis of valuable practical experience [usually associated with a plant group (e.g. macrofungi) or a geographic area]. Scope is provided for them to work on their own projects (subject to negotiation) providing there is a notable net benefit to the Centre. Access is usually restricted to normal business hours only. Insurance cover is provided as a special category of the ANBG Herbarium Volunteers scheme (ComCare through Environment Australia).
- CSIRO: Honours, Masters, PhD or Summer Research students who have been appointed through the CSIRO personnel system. 24 hour access available on a needs basis. Insurance coverage is provided by ComCare through CSIRO.
- University: Honours, Masters, or PhD students who are registered students at Australian tertiary institutions and Summer Research students appointed by associated Centres for Research Cooperation (Plant Science CRC, Weeds CRC, CRC-TREM). Such students must have at least one supervisor on the staff of the Centre. 24 hour access available on a needs basis. Insurance coverage is provided by the appropriate university.
- Interns: A special category of ANBG Herbarium volunteers who are tertiary students working full-time in a structured program of training for a period of approximately two months over the summer vacation. Access time, 7am to 11 pm. Insurance coverage is provided by ComCare through Environment Australia.
VOLUNTEERS [ANBG Herbarium Volunteers]
- Volunteer helpers in the herbarium, working on defined tasks (mainly specimen preparation and packaging). Definition of appropriate tasks is partly governed by skills levels and partly by informal industrial agreement; written policy guidelines are held by ANBG. No formal educational qualifications are required. CSIROSA have agreed to the extending of this scheme from the ANBG site to CSIRO components of the Centre. Access would normally be during business hours only. Insurance coverage is provided by ComCare through Environment Australia.
- Casual visitors to the Centre entering with the intention of visiting individual staff members or using Centre facilities (collection, library). This category permits daily entrance for no more than 5 consecutive days. For longer periods other classifications must be used. Day visitors have access to the buildings during normal business hours only. Entry to be logged at main entrance of the Herbarium. Insurance coverage is provided by Public Liability cover.
- Non-staff members included on CPBR collecting permits issued by State and Territory authorities because of their ongoing contribution to CPBR programs. Their contribution comes especially through collecting in specialist groups or geographic regions of particular interest. Guidelines for recruitment and reporting exist; guidelines regarding responsibilities reaffirmed annually. Normally associate collectors are distantly based and do not come to the CPBR. When visiting, access to the buildings is available during normal business hours only. Insurance coverage is provided by Public Liability as a Day Visitor.
- Individuals or businesses retained to provide specific services for the CPBR (or in agreed circumstances for other research bodies e.g. ABRS) on a fee for service basis. In some instances this may involve the CPBR in providing a suitable working space intermittently over some days or weeks [ e.g. illustrators]. Access available during normally business hours only. Insurance cover is the responsibility of the contractor and a copy of the policy must be obtained before access is granted.
Person |
Salary |
Operational Costs |
Purpose |
Intellectual Property |
Insurance |
1 |
Employee |
2 |
Hon Res Fellow |
Pension |
3 |
Visiting Scientists |
Home Institute |
CPBR Usually (Negotiable) |
CPBR + Home Institute |
CPBR + Guest |
Home Institute |
4 |
Scientific Associate |
Elsewhere |
CPBR + Assoc Negotiable |
CPBR + Assoc |
CPBR + Assoc |
EA as Volunteers |
5 |
Day Visitors |
- |
Negligible |
Various |
Visitor |
Public Liability |
6 |
Volunteer |
- |
EA |
Students: | |||||
-CSIRO funded | CSIRO | CPBR | CPBR | CPBR | CSIRO | |
-Uni student | Univ. | Negotiable | CPBR + Stud’t | CPBR + Stud’t | University | |
-Interns |
- |
EA Volunteers |
8 |
Consultant |
CPBR Contract |
CPBR + Cons. Negotiable |
Contractor’s Own |
9 |
Collectors |
- |
- |
* |
* Public liability if coming to Herbarium.