Communications and Outreach (HD)
Internet Web Pages
Since its establishment in the early 1990s the Internet has played an important role in community liaison and the dissemination of botanical information from the CANBR. Our web site was the second established in Australia, and our Herbarium was the first in the world to make its databases available to the public via the web.
The CANBR shares a server with the Australian National Botanic Gardens, with much of the material equally relevant to both organisations, and there is considerable cross-linking. The web is now the main medium for reporting the activities of the CANBR with the discontinuation of our tri-annual printed 'Report'.
Clients can see the administrative structure of the organisation and are directed to searchable databases, scientific papers, herbarium procedure manuals or more popular essays on themes of botanical interest.
Automated Web Queries
The major specimen database of the Australian National Herbarium provides restricted access to the data associated with the herbarium specimens, while other datasets like the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) form the common backbone to the Herbarium records as well as records of the ANBG. The Australian Plant Census (APC) is a front-end to APNI providing quick access to currently accepted plant names. The database of plant images is also accessable via the web. (more) |