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New in the ANBG Library

book cover

April 2011

last month: March

The Gardens’ Library is located on the first floor of the Botany Building at the ANBG, Clunies Ross Street, Black Mountain.
Opening hours are 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Members of the public may use the library by appointment.

The bulletin contains a list of new material recently received in the library. These items together with recent issues of journals and magazines are on display in the ANBG Library for approximately three to four weeks. All registered library clients are welcome to use the library and photocopy display items or reserve items for loan.

Staff may request items from the bulletin by phone, fax or email.
Phone: (02) 6250 9480
Fax: (02) 6250 9432


Bungle Bungle Range: Purnululu National Park, East Kimberley, Western Australia: a guide to the rocks, landforms, plants, animals and human impact
Dean Hoatson … [et al.]
Canberra : Australian Geological Survey Organisation, 1997
333.783099414 BUN

The forgotten explorers: pioneer geologists of Western Australia, 1826-1926
John Glover with Jenny Bevan
Victoria Park, WA : Hesperian Press, 2010
ANBG copy donated by Alex George.
551.092 GLO

The Science of climate change : questions and answers
Canberra : Australian Academy of Science., 2010
Available on the Internet at :
P 551.6 SCI

Towards a new social purpose: redefining the role of botanic gardens: executive summary
Kew, Surrey : BGCI, 2010
Also available via the Internet at:
P 580.73 TOW

Knowing, growing, eating: edible wild native plants for southern Australia
Neville Bonney
Tantanoola, SA : N. Bonney, 2010
581.6320994 BON

Flora de Jalisco y areas colindantes. Fasc, 24. Muntingiaceae
Servando Carvajal, Laura Liliana Acosta Sotelo
Jalisco, Mexico : Universidad de Guadalajara, 2010
ABRS 581.97235 FLO

Coastal plants: a guide to the identification and restoration of plants of the Perth region
Kingsley Dixon
Collingwood, Vic : CSIRO Publishing, 2011
581.99412 DIX

Anatomy of flowering plants: an introduction to structure and development, 3 rd edn
Paula Rudall
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
582.13044 RUD

Eucalypts of the Sydney region , 2 nd edn
Van Klaphake
Byabarra, NSW : Van Klaphake, 2010
583.766099441 KLA

Australian land snails. Volume 1, A field guide to eastern Australian species
John Stanisic … [et al.]
Mauritius : Bioculture Press, 2010
ABRS 594.380994 AUS

Rhyzobius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): a revision of the world species
Wioletta Tomaszewska
Warsaw : Natura optima dux Foundation, 2010
ABRS 595.769 TOM

Journey to the ants: a story of scientific exploration
Bert Holldobler & Edward O Wilson
Cambridge : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1994
ANBG copy donated by Peter Wellman
595.796 HOL

The National Plant Collections: over 650 specialist collections and where to visit them
Guildford, Surrey, UK : Plant Heritage, 2010
635.90941 NAT

Maximising root quality of waxflower tube stock suitable for field planting
Kevin Seaton
Barton, ACT : Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 2009
Also available via the Internet at
635.933765 SEA

Growing flannel flowers all year round
Ross Worrall & Len Tesoriero
Barton , ACT : RIRDC, 2010
Also available via the Internet at:
635.933849 WOR

Plants for a changing climate, 2 nd edn.
Trevor Nottle
Dural, NSW : Rosenberg, 2011
1 st edn. published in 2004 as: Plants for Mediterranean climate gardens.
635.952 NOT

Development of novel eucalypt hybrids
Kate Delaporte & Margaret Sedgley
Barton, RIRDC, 2008 (RIRDC publication no. 08/018)
Also available via the Internet at:
635.9773766 DEL

Poisonous2pets: plants poisonous to dogs and cats
Nicole O’Kane
[Pacific Fair, Qld.]: Poisonous2Pets, 2009
Ref 636.08959 OKA

A REDD+ manual for botanic gardens
Catrin Probert, Suzanne Sharrock and Natasha Ali
Kew, London : Botanic Gardens Conservation International, 2011
Reviews the United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation programme. The manual notes the opportunities for botanic gardens and provides examples from Australia, Brazil, UK, China and USA.
Also available via the Internet at:

P 639.99 PRO

The effectiveness and safety of Australian tea tree oil
Barton, ACT : RIRDC, 2007
Available via the Internet at:
P 661.806 EFF

Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Movement: reality and imagination
Judith B Tankard
New York : Harry N Abrams, 2004
ANBG copy donated by Annette Wilson
712.60942 TAN

A brilliant touch: Adam Forster’s wildflower paintings
Christobel Mattingley
Canberra : National Library of Australia, 2011
759.994 FOR


The role of botanic gardens in the science and practice of ecological restoration
Kate A Hardwick … [et al.]
Conservation Biology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 265-275.
Also available to staff via the Intranet at:

Addressing the threat to biodiversity from botanic gardens
Philip E Hulme
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 26, no. 4, 2011, pp. 168-174.

Validation of biological collections as a source of phenological data for use in climate change studies: a case study with the orchid Ophrys sphegodes
Karen M. Robbirt … [et al.]
Journal of Ecology, vol. 99, 2011, pp. 235-241

Climate change and biosphere response: unlocking the collections vault
Kenneth G. Johnson … [et al.]
BioScience, vol. 61, no. 2, 2011, pp. 147-153.
Also available to staff via the Intranet at:

Fire refugia: the mechanism governing animal survivorship within a highly flammable plant
Karl E.C. Brenan, Melinda L Moir & Roy S Wittkuhn
Austral Ecology, vol. 36, 2011, pp. 131-141
Test the hypothesis that some plants with highly packed leaf-bases provide a refuge for invertebrates during fire. Uses the grasstree, Xanthorrhoea preissii.
Also available to staff via the Intranet at:

Classification of climate-change-induced stresses on biological diversity
Juliane Geyer … [et al.]
Conservation Biology , vol. 25, 2011, “Early view”
Also available to staff via the Intranet at:

Carbon payments and low-cost conservation
Neville D Crossman, Brett A Bryan & David M Summers
Conservation Biology, vol. 25, 2011, “Early view”
Also available to staff via the Intranet at

Ecology and bioprospecting
Andrew J Beattie … [et al.]
Austral Ecology, vol. 36, 2011, pp. 341-356
Also available to staff via the Intranet at:

Rampant gene loss in the underground orchid Rhizanthella gardneri highlights evolutionary constraints on plastid genomes
Etienne Delannoy … [et al.]
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2011, doi: 10.1093/molbev/msr028
Open access article available at:


Collins, Bronwyn 2011, ‘Botanical interns program’, Fronds: newsletter of the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens, no. 67, p. 14.

Clements , MA Otero, JT & Miller, JT 2011, ‘Phylogenetic relationships in Pterostylidinae (Cranichideae: Orchidaceae): combined evidence from nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequences’, Australian Journal of Botany, vol. 59, pp. 99-117.
Available to staff via the Intranet at:

Golson, Toby 2011, ‘And more partnerships’, The Botanic Garden, issue 29, p. 17.
Available via the Internet at:

Miller, JT & Miller, C 2011, ‘Acacia seedling morphology: phyllotaxy and its relationship to seed mass’, Australian Journal of Botany, vol. 59, pp. 185-196.
Available to staff via the Intranet at:

Sutherland, Lucy 2011, ‘A national approach to seed banking’, The Botanic Garden, issue 29, pp. 6-7.
Available via the Internet at:

Richards, Helen 2011, ‘Australian Orchid Foundation Award of Honour 2010 Dr Mark Clements’, The Orchadian, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 525-526.

Growing Friends Record of meeting 2 April 2011
Volunteer Guides’ Meeting minutes 19 April 2011


# Indicates a new listing

Back to the Future
International Plant Propagators’ Society Australian Region 39 th Annual Conference
26-29 May 2011
Grace Hotel Sydney

11 th World Conference on Parasitic Plants
7-12 June 2011
Martina Franca, Italy

Fungimap VI
14-19 July 2011
Denmark, Western Australia

# 15 th International Congress of Myriapodology
17-22 July 2011
Womens College, University of Queensland

16 th NSW Weeds Conference
Making a difference – from country to coast

18-21 July 2011
Pacific Bay Conference Centre, Coffs Harbour

Explore, Experience, Educate: 6 th World Environmental Education Congress
19-23 July 2011

The Eternal Order in Nature: the Science of Botanical Illustration
18 July – 7 August 2011
Domain House, Dallas Brooks Drive, Melbourne

XVIII International Botanical Congress
24-30 July 2011
Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre

Australian Garden History Society 32 nd Annual National Conference
19-21 August 2011
Maryborough Qld

23 rd Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference
25-30 September 2011
The Sebel, Cairns, FNQ

Australian Native Plants Society (Aust) 2011 National Biennial Conference
‘Australian Plants in a Wondrous Web’

2-7 October 2011
Westminster School, Marion, South Australia

Garden Clubs of Australia 2011 Biennial National Convention ‘Crossing the Mountains’
9-13 October 2011
Blue Mountains, NSW

2011 BGANZ Congress ‘Staying Valuable and Viable’
20-23 October 2011
Albury, NSW

National Conference on Volunteering 2011 ‘Inspire, Challenge, Influence’
9-11 November 2011
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

7 th International Association for Lichenology Symposium
9-13 January 2012
Bangkok, Thailand

Education and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
8 th BGCI International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens
22-28 October 2012



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