In Flower This Week
A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections. Plants in flower are in bold type.
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25 February 2011
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Hibbertia pedunculata click for larger image |
Flowers in the Gardens are forever changing but always magnificent. Orchid display in the Visitors Information Centre is worth viewing. Observe flowers edging Banks Walk then continue to the Rock Garden. To arrive there follow the road on the far side of the Rainforest turning right at the connection of the Main Path which will reach the Rock Garden waterfall just past Banksia aemula [Section 15c] a large dense shrub bearing lemon coloured upright cylindrical flower spikes of varying sizes.
Starting at the stairs, Hibbertia pedunculata [Section 15d] is a groundcover crowded between the rocks bright with open yellow flowers. Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’ [Section 15d], also a groundcover, cascades down the rockface displaying red toothbrush-like flowers amid the dense greenery. Beside is Correa ‘Ivory Bells’ [Section 15d] a neat rounded shrub of medium size, with many white star shaped flowers. Opposite, invading the path is a dwarf form of Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia [Section 15c] a dense shrub with dull silver-backed leaves and with lemon maturing flower spikes. Chrysocephalum semiamplexicaule [Section 15d] has clusters of yellow and orange flower heads on long stems.
Beside the tussocky Porcupine Grass, Triodia scariosa [Section 15e], Halgania anagalloides var. preissiana [Section 15e] is a small open plant with rich blue flowers. Across the path Calostemma purpureum [Section 15f and elsewhere] is a bulbous plant with heads of pink trumpet-like flowers on upright stems surrounded by its strappy leaves. There too, is Feather flower, Verticordia pennigera [Section 15f], a small open shrub with clusters of bright pink feathery flowers. Around the corner Grevillea albiflora [Section 15g] is a large spreading shrub attractive with small orange-tan fruits. A scattering of Vanilla Lillies, Arthropodium milleflorum [Section 15h,15g] with strappy leaves and long graceful flower spikes bearing small pale pink flowers. At the base of the stairs Plectranthus argentatus [Section 15a] is a suckering herb with large velvety grey-green leaves and tiny blue flowers on upright stems. Edging the stairs Grevillea ‘Mason’s Hybrid’ [Section 15h] is an ageing spreading shrub with soft pink and cream terminal flower clusters.
Edging the top road, Grevillea lanigera [Section 15h] is a dense groundcover prolific with pinkish cream flowers while Xerochrysum bracteatum [Section 15h] displays their bright yellow straw flowers about this corner. Scaevola albida var. albida [Section 15h] bears in profusion, its mauve and also white, fan shaped flowers over the low spreading plants and Dampiera sylvestris [Section 15h] is a suckering plant with bright blue flowers on upright stems.
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Verticordia pennigera click for larger image |
Take the path down between the grass trees, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii [Section 15,14] and a hedge of Banksia integrifolia [Section 15l]. Continue down viewing Senecio linearifolius var. dangarensis [Section 15r], upright plants with heads of small yellow flowers. Beside is Labichea lanceolata subsp. lanceolata [Section 15r], a neat rounded shrub of medium size bearing yellow petalled flowers, each petal marked with a dark spot. Lysiosepalum involucratum [Section 15r], edging the path, is a dense small shrub with downturned pink flowers mixing with tan coloured buds. In a pot, Verticordia pennigera [Section 15r], with its bright pink flowers adds extra brightness to the area. At the lower left corner the semiprostrate Goodenia macmillanii [Section 15r] is attractive with its large pink flowers edging its wandering stems.
The beauty of the waterfall with pink flowers of Lythrum salicaria [Section 15q] about the pools, reflections, waterdragons, butterflies and bluewrens, such a relaxing place.