In Flower This Week
A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections. Plants in flower are in bold type.
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29 July 2011
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Acacia alata var. biglandulosa click for larger image |
This wintery walk follows the Main Path which passes through areas of lovely white trunked gum trees, the Sydney Basin flora, the Rock Garden and the Rainforest. Banksias continue to brighten all areas and so many plants are in bud or just starting to flower with only few colourful plants mentioned.
Commencing at the far end of the café building where Acacia alata var. biglandulosa [Section 240] has cream flower balls edging the angulated flattened stems of this unusual wattle. Follow the path pass emu-bushes, Eremophila maculata supsp. maculata [Section 302] a low open shrub with yellow tubular flowers. Below its branches Eremophila maculata subsp. brevifolia [Section 302] displays its magenta coloured tubular flowers. Opposite is a grouping of Thryptomene denticulata [Section 9] low spreading shrubs clad with small pink flowers. Pass by the grass-trees, Xanthorrhoea glauca [Section 8] with long arching skirts to a prostrate form of Cootamundra wattle, Acacia baileyana [Section 30] with its grey-green leaves and now just revealing its bright golden flower balls among the multitude of buds. Behind, the heath-leaved banksia, Banksia ericifolia var. ericifolia [Section 30] has long meandering branches with terminal foliage and long upright cylindrical golden flower spikes. Homoranthus flavescens [Section 30] is a spreading flat-topped decorative shrub, the branches are tipped with dull red buds with few maturing yellow flowers. Banksia ‘Birthday Candles’ [Section 30] is a dwarf spreading shrub profuse with its golden flower spikes.
Across the next road, Grevillea ‘Lady O’ [Section 26, 24] is a small arching shrub with terminal clusters of red flowers. Hakea ‘Winter Burgundy’ [Section 26] is a slim upright shrub displaying globular burgundy buds which will develop into clusters of flowers along the branches. Hakea cycloptera [Section 24] continues to be attractive with a covering of cream-pink lacy flowers edging the many branches. Grevilleas edging this path are mostly heavy in bud while some are flowering Grevillea dielsiana [Section 26] is an open shrub with fine divided prickly leaves and pendulous orange-red flower clusters. Grevillea minutiflora [Section 26] is a low spreading shrub bearing short yellow flower rods.
Crossing the next road, Correa ‘Marian’s Marvel’ [Section 112] has pendular red-cream tube flowers among the foliage. Around the corner, a vine, Native Sarsaparilla, Hardenbergia violacea [Section 112] presents its purple pea-shaped flower along its winding branches. Following the path through the Sydney Basin where areas are being redeveloped, wattles, Acacia terminalis [Section 191h] bears its yellow fluffy flowers over the tops behind other shrubs. Epacris calvertiana var. calvertiana [Section 191j] has an abundance of cream tubular flowers through the green foliage and behind the rounded seat, Crowea saligna [Section 191u] is colourful with its deep pink star shaped flowers.
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Acacia flexifolia click for larger image |
Across the Eucalyptus law, wattles include Acacia flexifolia [Section18] clad with yellow fluffy flower balls over the low spreading shrub. Crossing the next road, Hakea purpurea [Section 20] has upright branches clad with clusters of bright red flowers. The Rock Garden, always a place to explore, displays, in front of the scenic waterfall and ponds, Guichenotia ledifolia [Section 4], a rounded shrub with down-turned pink cup shaped flowers with its grey-green foliage. Rhodanthe anthemoides [Section 15s, 15d] are small dense perennial plants profuse with pink-white buds which will mature to white daisy-like flowers. Grevillea lanigera [Section 15c] is a picture with a profusion of maturing red buds and few mature flowers over the spreading groundcover.
The path then continues past the upright Wollemia pine, Wollemia nobilis [Section78] an upright small tree with fishbone-like foliage and cones appearing on the upper stems, through the Rainforest with its own spectacular plants, then down the ramp where Prostanthera phylicifolia [Section 210] is showy with its coverage of mauve flowers. The path leads back to the Visitors Information Centre.
A pleasant wintertime walk… Barbara Daly