In Flower This Week
A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers before each plant refer to temporary IFTW labels in the gardens.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections. Plants in flower are in bold type.
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16 November 2012
Platytheca galioides click for larger image |
The Botanic Gardens displays flowers seen from any path taken. To follow this selected path only few of many flowers will be mentioned. It aims to finish in the Display Glass House.
- Pots edging Banks Walk have combinations of flowers. In one, the colours of the blue Lechenaultia biloba, the purple of Platytheca galioides and the orange of Hibbertia stellaris are so colourful. Another pot contains flannel flowers, Actinotus helianthi, spectacular with their lovely large many petalled flowers with the velvety greyish foliage.
- Follow the road on the far side of the Rainforest, veering right where Grevillea bipinnatifida ‘Jingle Bells’ [Section 124] stands upright crowned with pendulous heads of terminal red flowers and divided leaves. It is surrounded by Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’ [Section 124].
- Rounding the corner a teatree, Leptospermum ‘Mesmer Eyes’ [Section 124], a dense low shrub clad with darkened centred pink open flowers.
- Oposite Pimelea ferruginea ‘Magenta Mist’ [Section126] is a colourful rounded shrub with darker pink flowers in clusters.
- At the far end of this road, Melaleuca fulgens [Section 127] bears small orange bottlebrush like flowers.
- Turning left, Melaleuca spathulata [Section 9] has a profusion of small terminal mauve flowers in clusters.
- Beside is Homoranthus flavescens [Section 9] with layered branches clad with clusters of nectar laden yellow flowers.
- Continue along the Main Path passing a group of waratahs including Telopea speciosissima [Section 30], a tall shrub with the renowned red flower head.
- Across the next cross-road Grevillea ‘Lady O’ [Section 26] is a low shrub with arching branches clad with dangling red loose flower spikes. (it is one of many grevilleas growing in this section)
- Others include Grevillea ‘Bonfire’ [Section 24] a tall hedging shrub ablaze with red waxy curvaceous flower clusters. It is a backdrop for a seat.
- Leaving this path, Grevillea wilsonii [Section 26] has brilliant red terminal flower clusters over the low shrub.
- Take the road to the left where groups of Helichrysum elatum [Section 191h] with large white daisy-like flowers cover a low shrub with grey-green foliage.
- Eriostemon australasius [Section 191p] is a neat rounded shrub clad with large pink buds which will mature to pink petalled flowers.
- The Golden Glory Pea, Gompholobium latifolium [Section 191p] has large yellow pea-shaped flowers on a single stem.
- Native Rose, Boronia serrulata[Section 191g] covers its branches of this small shrub with rich pink flowers.
- Take the small path edged by grass trees, Xanthorrhoea sp. [Section 191g] dense with long grass-like swaying leaves. Cross over the Main Path and follow the signs to the DISPLAY GLASS HOUSE [Section 301]
- This enclosure is warm and humid. To welcome is Thunia alba, an upright plant with loose sprays of white, with yellow throat, flowers. There is a display of carnivorous plants including sundews, pitchers of all sizes, including Monkey Cups.
There are Ant House Plants and plants from the Dinosaur Age. There is a brilliant display of orchids of varying colours varying from pinks to yellows, all so wonderous. Ever seen a Powderpuff Lilly Pilly? There is one here with large fluffy flower balls falling from arching branches. It is called Syzygium wilsonii subsp. wilsonii. .........Some place, this Display Glass House.
Barbara Daly.