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IFTW volunteer

In Flower This Week

A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers before each plant refer to temporary IFTW labels in the gardens.
Numbers in square brackets
[ ] refer to garden bed Sections. Plants in flower are in bold type.

View past issues of 'In Flower This Week'.

22 February 2013

Pandorea jasminoides

Pandorea jasminoides
click for larger image

The flowers this time of the year may not be so prolific but still are many and varied.  Those outside the doors of the Visitor Centre are a welcome sight

  1. They include Rhododendron viriosum with bell-shaped orange-red flowers; Wahlenbergia gloriosa, the floral emblem of the ACT,displaying its large deep blue flowers; and Pilidiostigma rhytispermum, a taller shrub with fluffy cream flower balls.
  2. Opposite is the climber Pandorea jasminoides with large open pink flowers.
  3. Sturt’s Desert Pea, Swainsona formosa, also in a pot is still displaying its large pea-shaped bright red dark-centred flowers.
  4. Most kangaroo paws are finishing flowering, but Anigozanthos ‘Bush Volcano’ [Section 174] continues to bear its rust-red flowers.
  5. Take the ramp up to view Anigozanthos ‘Big Red’ [Section 210] also still bearing its deep red flowers.
  6. At the entrance to the Rainforest a Leatherwood, Eucryphia wilkiei [Section 313], is a dense shrub profuse with its cream, almost cup-shaped flowers among the shiny foliage.
  7. At the bottom of the stairs the garden corner is colourful with the yellow button-sized flowers of Chrysocephalum apiculatum, the deep pink star-shaped flowers of Crowea ‘Festival’ and the red terminal flowers of Grevillea ‘Lady O’ [all in Section 174].
  8. Admire the NSW Christmas Bush, Ceratopetalum gummiferum [Section 142], below the carpark at the entrance to the Tasmanian section.  The shrub, with calyces which enlarge and redden after the white flowers finish, rises high above other surrounding plants.
  9. This walk then returns to the road edging the Rainforest where, opposite the cafe, the Cunjevoi Lily, Alocasia macrorrhizos [Section 125], has large fleshy spade-like leaves and stems with green or yellow hood-like flowers.
  10. The Swamp Lily, Crinum pedunculatum [Sections 306 and 125], displays its open sprays of white flowers on long upright stems.
  11. Clerodendrum floribundum [Section 125] is a tall shrub with button-sized green fruits in enlarged roughened red calyces seen among its foliage.
  12. Standing tall in this corner, Grevillea bipinnatifida ‘Jingle Bells’ [Section124] looks grand with its large red flower spikes flowing down among its greenery.
  13. A backdrop is a bottlebrush, Callistemon ‘Howie’s Fireglow’ [Section 124], brilliant with its red flowers.
  14. The corner groundcover is Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’ [Section 124] with many toothbrush-like dark red flowers.
  15. Grevillea ‘Goldfever’ [Section 124] has apricot-coloured flowers on the low lateral branches.
  16. Continuing uphill, Callistemon montanus [Section 104] is bright with short crimson bottlebrushes, seen as it leans towards the road.
  17. Close by a teatree, Leptospermum amboinense [Section 104] is a large dense shrub prolific with small daisy-like flowers.
  18. In this triangular garden a Geraldton Wax, Chamelaucium ‘Cascade Brook’ [Section 17], has a profusion of waxy pale pink flowers on the dense shrub.
  19. On the other side are Brachyscome multifida ‘Breakoday’ [Section 17], small dense plants with fine foliage and small deep mauve daisy-like flowers.
  20. Opposite is Callistemon viminalis [Section 78], a quite large shrub with pleasant weeping habit and bright red bottlebrushes.

Take the path to the right to enjoy the beauties of the Rock Garden.

Barbara Daly