In Flower This Week
A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers before each plant refer to temporary IFTW labels in the gardens.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections. Plants in flower are in bold type.
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19 July 2013
Chorizema cordatum click for larger image |
Mid-winter. Cold and wet but pleasant walking, with many flowers to admire.
- Commencing at the Visitor Information Centre, Gastrolobium parviflorum, in a pot outside the doors, is a small dense plant with tiny orange-red pea-shaped flowers on upright spikes.
- Edging Banks Walk Woollsia pungens [Section 174] is a many-branched upright plant with tiny white flowers surrounding the ends of the branches.
- Beside is Epacris longiflora [Section 174] with white tubular flowers hanging from its long wiry branches.
- Almost opposite, Alyogyne huegelii ‘West Coast Gem’ [Section 210] is an upright shrub noticeable with its large purple hibiscus-like flowers.
- In a large pot, Chorizema cordatum [Section 174] has a few of its small red pea-shaped flowers edging the fine stems, with many more to follow.
- Opposite, Prostanthera phylicifolia [Section 210] is clad with small mauve flowers, seen as it falls down the rock face.
- Rounding the corner, Grevillea ‘LadyO’ [Section 174] has its usual coverage of red flowers on this small open shrub.
- Follow this Main Path across the bridge and past the café to the Ellis Rowan Garden where Banksia ‘Stumpy Gold’ [Section 131] is a low spreading dwarf shrub, stunning with a coverage of golden upright cylindrical flower spikes.
- Close by is a Mallee Snow Gum, Eucalyptus gregsoniana [Section 131], as yet a small tree but already bearing fluffy cream flowers.
- Outside the next door Epacris ‘Nectar Pink’ [Section 131] is a low wiry plant bearing soft pink tubular flowers tipped with white.
- Crowea ‘Cooper’s Hybrid’ [Section 240] is crowded among other plants, but its deep pink star-shaped flowers are quite visible.
- Surrounding the large tree trunk is a wattle, Acacia alata var. biglandulosa [Section 240], clad in profusion with small white flower balls attached to the odd zigzag flattened stems.
- Take the road to the left past the grand ageing Eucalyptus mannifera [Section 10], below which Thryptomene saxicola ‘Pink Lace’ [Section 10] is a low spreading dense shrub clad with tiny pink flowers.
- A section of emu bushes just past the bottle tree, Brachychiton rupestris [Section 10] renowned for its swollen trunk, includes Eremophila maculata subsp. maculata [Section 302] bearing yellow tubular flowers.
- Eremophila oppositifolia [Section 302], seen in the centre of the garden, is of medium height and is well clad with pale pink to almost white bugle-shaped flowers.
- Towards the Rock Garden, Lysiosepalum involucratum [Section 4] is a low compact shrub clad with rust-coloured buds and few pinkish flowers.
- At the base of the opposite rocks, small dense mounds of Rhodanthe anthemoides [Section 15d] have a profusion of burgundy-coloured buds that will open to white daisy-like flowers.
- Across the road a patch of Grevillea lanigera [Section 15c] dense with red flowers brightens the corner.
- Beside the drinking fountain in front of the waterfall Guichenotia ledifolia [Section 4] is a neat dense shrub profuse with downturned pink flowers.
- Lastly continue on the path past the shelter to a group of hakeas including Hakea obtusa [Section 20], a large shrub clad with red or cream globular flowers. Another plant of the same species with more conspicuous flowers can be seen a short distance along the road to the right.
Barbara Daly