In Flower This Week
A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers before each plant refer to temporary IFTW labels in the gardens.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections. Plants in flower are in bold type.
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18 October 2013
Melaleuca fulgens click for larger image |
This is a very short walk loaded with a variety of flowers of which only a few can be mentioned. It commences below the Visitor Information Centre.
- Plants beside the stairs to the Visitor Information Centre include the local Hardenbergia violacea [Section 172], a vine clad with purple pea-shaped flowers.
- Nearby is Melaleuca fulgens [Section 172], an upright shrub with orange-coloured bottlebrush-like flowers.
- Also here is a mint bush, Prostanthera stricta [Section 172], with purple-coloured flowers on an upright shrub.
- Outside the door to the Visitors Information Centre are pots containing Dampiera latealata, dense with blue flowers on upright stems. Not so dense is Lechenaultia biloba, with pale blue and white flowers. There is also a pot crowded with lovely pink daisies.
- Opposite are orchids, including the large Rock Lily, Thelychiton pulcherrimus [Section 210], with large leaves and large sprays of white or cream flowers.
- Edging Banks Walk flowers include Podolepis monticola [Section 172], with yellow feathery daisies rising from a bed of large leaves.
- The shrubs clad with white-petalled flowers are mostly Philotheca myoporoides [Sections 210, 174].
- A group of Alyogyne huegelii ‘West Coast Gem’ [Section 210] is so bright with purple hibiscus-like flowers.
- Nearby is a waratah, Telopea ‘Braidwood Brilliant’ [Section 210], a large shrub bright with many terminal heads of the renowned red flowers.
- Edging the path, Chorizema cordatum [Section 174] has long sprays of showy orange-red pea-shaped flowers flowing over the edge of the pot.
- Almost concealed, the so-called white waratah, Telopea ‘Wirrimbirra White’ [Section 174], is a small upright plant crowned with a creamy flower head.
- Cross over the bridge passing the cafe and take the lower path. Leptospermum ‘Pink Cascade’ [Section 240; also pictured at left] is a low dense shrub clad in profusion with pale pink-petalled flowers.
- Grevillea ‘Bonfire’ [Section 240] is tall and dense with fine divided leaves and with waxy red curvaceous flowers.
- Across the path edging the lawn is Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’ [Section 240], of medium size with terminal red flower clusters.
- Boronia megastigma ‘Heaven Scent’ [Section 240] is an upright many-stemmed plant clad with its brownish flowers, so well perfumed.
- Another perfumed plant is Rulingia magniflora [Section 240], a medium many-branched shrub clad with white flowers among the narrow velvety leaves.
- Rounding the next corner to the left, a semi- prostrate plant, Hibbertia empetrifolia [Section 240], is dense with many yellow flowers.
- Close to the corner is Thomasia petalocalyx [Section 240], a low dense shrub pink with downturned flowers.
- At the corner, climbing a large shrub and tree behind, is a vine. It is Pandorea pandorana [Section 240 and elsewhere], covered in profusion with cream tubular flowers.
- Continue across the road and opposite the grand old Eucalyptus mannifera [Section 10] is Daviesia arborea [Section 127], a neat tall shrub with willowy habit. The small yellow pea-shaped flowers among the leaves can be seen better from afar.
- Across the road is another groundcover, Pultenaea pedunculata ‘Pyalong Pink’ [Section 119], clad with tiny pink pea-shaped flowers.
No more room... so many flowers!
Barbara Daly