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IFTW volunteer

In Flower This Week

A news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers before each plant refer to temporary IFTW labels in the gardens.
Numbers in square brackets
[ ] refer to garden bed Sections. Plants in flower are in bold type.

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8 July 2015

Astroloma foliosum

Astroloma foliosum
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Today we will walk along the Main Path.

  1. On your right, in a pot, is Astroloma foliosum [Section 174]. Commonly known as Candle Cranberry, it is a small shrub species endemic to the Perth region in Western Australia. This plant has very fine foliage and upright red “firecracker” tubular flowers with black and yellow tips.
  2. Cross the bridge and skirt past the café to see on the left Banksia ‘Stumpy Gold’ [Section 131], with fine, toothed linear foliage and short gold cones. This plant is a dwarf cultivar of Banksia spinulosa var. collina that was selected by Richard Anderson of Merricks Nursery in Victoria from material collected on the New South Wales Central Coast.
  3. Also on your left is Eucalyptus gregsoniana [Section 131], a mallee (multi-stemmed tree) with grey trunks and white fluffy flowers. Also known as the Wolgan Snow Gum, it is found in the highlands of New South Wales.
  4. On your right is Acacia alata var. biglandulosa [Section 240], or Winged Wattle. It has flattened phyllodes (modified leaf-stems) and masses of white fluffy ball flowers and is native to Western Australia.
  5. On your left is Banksia spinulosa var. collina [Section 131], with fine linear foliage and slender, dull gold cones. This shrub, commonly known as Hill Banksia or Golden Candlesticks, grows along the east coast of Queensland and New South Wales.
  6. Go up the hill, bear right and on your left is Banksia ericifolia subsp. ericifolia [Section 30], a long-flowering medium-sized shrub with attractive feathery foliage and long orange cones. It is native to New South Wales, but has naturalised in small numbers in Victoria.
  7. Also on the left in a pot is Grevillea saccata [Section 30], with terminal clusters of reddish-orange flowers. Each flower has a prominent yellow tip that houses the anthers. Grevillea saccata is commonly known as Pouched Grevillea, and is a shrub endemic to southwestern Western Australia.
  8. Also on the left and behind the pot is Grevillea diminuta [Section 30], with dark green foliage and rusty red clusters of flowers. It is native to New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory
  9. On your right is Grevillea acropogon [Section 30], a low bush with green foliage and deep red flower-clusters. It is endemic to southwestern Western Australia and is threatened in the wild.
  10. On your left is Adenanthos cygnorum [Section 30], a small bush with grey-green silky foliage and red spidery flowers. This plant is endemic to southwestern Western Australia.
  11. Also on your left is Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica [Section 30], or New England Banksia, with silver-backed dark green foliage with upright yellow/gold cones. This shrub grows along the east coast of Queensland and New South Wales.
  12. On your right is Banksia ‘Cape Patterson Dwarf’ [Section 26], a small bush with dark green silver-backed foliage and lime-yellow cones.
  13. On your left is Grevillea manglesii subsp. ornithopoda [Section 24], or Birdsfoot Grevillea, a large open bush with pincushion-like white flowerheads all along the stems. It is native to Western Australia.
  14. Grevillea tripartita subsp. macrostylis [Section 26], on the right, is an open, rangy plant with dark green, prickly, three-lobed foliage and large single red and cream flowers with long showy red styles. It is native to southern Western Australia.
  15. Grevillea dielsiana [Section 26], also on your right, has intricate prickly linear foliage and large yellow/orange flowers with red styles. It is native to the area around Geraldton in Western Australia.

Rosalind Walcott